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Which systems or games you always fawned over when you were younger?

Stuff that, back when you were in the economic clutches of your parents, you could but dream of having.

For me, there were several. The Dreamcast was the first, then the PS2, back in the early 2000s

More recently, I've been completely enthralled by the Amiga and what it offered back in the late 80s. That's a system that was never available around my parts (Brazil), even as a clone product or contraband

  • Definitely PS2. My cousin had God of War and I was insanely jealous. I remember thinking that it looked just like real life. Funny to see it now and compare it to the PS5 games.

    • I distinctly remember playing my friend's PS2 and thinking "there's no way video game graphics can get any better than this. This is the endgame" lol

      • Now we have massively better graphics but in many ways the experience and gameplay have gotten worse.

  • I remember seeing Stunt Car Racer and Shadow of the Beast running on an Amiga for the first time, and being absolutely blown away. They were so far above anything my trusty Speccy could do, it was almost funny.

    Of course, both these games would eventually come to the Spectrum (with varying degrees of success) but to say that it wasn't really the same would be a grotesque understatement.

  • We were pretty poor growing up, so whatever systems I had needed to also have bargain bin games or I wouldn't be able to get them. I had a small allowance so a 10 or 20 dollar game was attainable with a little planning.

    As a kid, I only had a Sega Genesis and Game Boy Color until I was a teenager. Skipped the 5th generation entirely, but I'd play friends and family's Playstations and N64s any chance I could.

    Years later I got a PS2 for Christmas, and some of the first games I got were bargain bin PS1 games. By that time, 20 bucks could get me Spyro the Dragon, Syphon Filter, FF7, Medievil, or whatever weird unknown quantity had the right price tag on it. Some of them were even great games I still have (S/O to Nuclear Strike and The Phantom Menace)

  • Dreamcast and both PSP and PSVita. I was a Sonic fan, and in the case of Sony's portables, they were mini powerhouses.

  • I was a Nintendo kid but had a neighbor who was only up in the summer and they had an Atari so my game fix for consoles was pretty good. Was on BBS downloading games via dialup for my PC (back in the 386 days).

    Think it was around 5th grade when this new kid moved to town from Califorina. He was a Sega and Neo Geo kid. So of course I fawned over his system as he was the one that diferent from all the rest of us.

  • I always went over to a neighbors to play Super Mario World on his Super Nintendo as a kid. Folks bought me a PS1 for christmas not too long after that and basically decided that was going to be the last console they'd buy me so I'd go over to my friends places to play on their Gamecube and PS2s. My first paycheck I got working a summer job was used to buy a PS2 .