This week passed way too quickly. It seems like I didn't do much. There aren't any significant updates form my side.
Still playing The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, thought I would be able to finish it but I couldn't. So, no changes here.
In non-nintendo gaming, still playing the same games, without much change:
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge
Monster Hunter: World
Marvel’s Avengers
For Marvel's Avengers, the game started strong, but went downhill quickly due to all the Live Service elements. It could've been a fun game if they had stuck with single player. I am near the end of main campaign, and will delete it as soon as I complete it. Probably just need 2-3 hours more.
That's all from my side, what about you guys? What are you playing? And how are you enjoying it?
Early, just got impa into the first "temple" that shows all the dragon tears! Trying to figure out where to go next after I mark everything in the map - somehow! You?
I've done the four sage dungeon things, and put probs 90 hours into the game. Mostly been doing side stuff up until this point, and somehow I still haven't run out!
Since I'm going on vacation tomorrow, I ended up finally beating the boss today, but I do want to find all the armor pieces too yeah... Will see if I keep going after my trip, or if I end up being distracted by other games. (Which is why I usually try to avoid beating the end bosses in games before I've done all/most of the sidequests)
I got the Master Detective Archives: Rain Code collector's edition waiting for me (new game by the Danganronpa team)
Yeah, this isn't the kind of game you should rush through. As for gaming time, that's the issue with growing up, but the good thing is, whenever you have time, there are games waiting for you.
Im definitely liking the booser packs the slow roll out is kind of annoying but i guess it keeps engagement up. Other then that though the changing courses are very welcome to me.
I love it! I actually play more Tony Hawk than TOTK! The progress tracking across the different pro skaters and challenges is what keeps me going. That adds so much replayability.
I keep playing TotK. I've done a few more shrines, caves and got the Master Sword.
Also, for some reason I got Sonic Origin Plus and finished the first Sonic game. I grew up with Nintendo and only rarely played Sonic at friends' house. It's not the first time I play it, but definitely the first time I finish it. I feel like this game had so much potential, but the level design is pretty bad, and ends up being the poor man's Mario. It's still fun at times, but I hope Sonic 2, Knuckles and CD get better.
I grew up with Sega, and have played the Sonic 1 and 2 about a gazillion times and I am still not sure how you are supposed to play them? Are you supposed to keep running? Or play it slow and steady? I really like Sonic and Tails as the characters though.
I won't spoil it, but based on previous comments I think you have the requirements to get the Master Sword. DM me if you want me to point you in the direction in a not too spoilery way 😅
I'm so glad someone who grew up with Sega thinks similar about Sonic! It's a sanity check for me. I thought "maybe I'm too biased and expect this to be Mario when it's clearly not Mario". But I'm not, and I don't. I play many different kinds of games and I'm not expecting Sonic to be Mario. But it's a game that's all about "going fast". However, if you go fast, you're punished with awkwardly placed enemies or obstacles which completely ruin the flow of each level. And Sonic is agile only when doing the spin or running for a while. When you're trying to go slow and steady, he's extremely slow and clunky. I understand there's a "faster/better" path on the high levels and slower path on the lower levels, but it still doesn't work as one would expect.
I started Sonic 2 and it's not much better. And as I said, there's lots of potential. It seems like an issue with level design, where they didn't do much play testing and just put things randomly around the level. I'm still going to finish 2 and probably continue with 3 and Sonic CD. I hope there's a progression in level design in newer installments. I'm going to go back to Sonic Mania after this too, see how that one feels after playing the originals. Sonic Superstars looks pretty cool, I'm hoping it's fun and uses the potential I'm seeing in these 2D Sonic games!
Splatoon is one of those game that I really want to play, but never end up getting it cause I don't play multiplayer much, and don't have any friends who are interested in playing it.
How are you enjoying it? Do yo play it with friends or just random players?
As for Zelda, I was doing mix of main quest and exploration, but have recently jumped straight into the main quest, want to know the full story! 😀
I was the same about splatoon initially. I rarely play any multiplayer games so I was a bit sceptical at first. But gameplay looked fun so I decided to give it a try and it was a blast. I have so much fun playing it even though I am relatively bad at it. I play with randos because I don't know a single person irl who has a switch besides a coworker of mine. He doesn't play splatoon btw.
As for Zelda, I am going in waves. Did the first sky island and then a bunch of exploration, then decided to dive into the story and collected all the memories and did 2 temples, I then returned to random exploration until I tried to do both last temples but I gave up midway as I got sidetracked by other stuff.
Still playing The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, thought I would be able to finish it but I couldn’t.
Very much same. Though not exactly that I could not, more like I do not exactly want to. I am pretty advanced on the plot, so now i am exploring the depths, finding side quests, seeing caves, finding wells. This game is endless.
And maybe I should start helping the korok find their friend, bless them.
Yeah, I can understand that. I was in the same boat, but as I mentioned last week, I reached a point where I want to know how the story proceeds. If you had seen all the Tears, you may know what I am talking about.
I want to try out the Pikmin 4 demo and finally launch Mario Rabbids Kingdom Battle. I bought it ages ago, but haven't even tried it yet. I have a disgusting backlog. But this weekend, I want to give my Switch some love.
Well, I have stopped impulse buying of games. No matter how many good or great sales pass me by, I don't buy a game, until I reach the point where I say, "I'll play this game next".
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is a great game BTW, highly recommended. If you like it, also get the DLC.
I am almost done with Pokemon Ultra Sun and will be starting Signalis this weekend; I don’t usually play a lot of horror games anymore but this one reminds of me the older Resident Evil and Silent Hill games.
I was really enjoying Signalis then got stuck at the first boss (I'm a pretty shit gamer). Thanks for the reminder, definitely gonna give it another go this weekend!
@irishbreakfast@slimerancher I just beat the remaster earlier today. It was a really fun game. I hope Prime 2 and Prime 3 get similar remasters someday.
Yeah same! I heard they might just be ported and touched up like Pikmin 1+2, but I hope because the first remaster was such a hit the other two get the same treatment!
Yeah, I have been hearing rumours about Prime trilogy remasters for so long and was hoping for their release before Prime 4. Fortunately we got Prime 1 remaster, hope they do the same for 2 and 3.
I haven't actually. I was playing Xenoblade Chronicles 3 when they shadow dropped it, and now playing Tears of the Kingdom. It's very high on my list though. Will probably play it within this year.
Have you played the original? Or remake is the first time you are experiencing it?
Oh nice! I’ve never played a Xenoblade game and have been really curious about 3. And Prime is what I jumped to after TOTK.
I played the original Prime in high school, but just did not have the skills or awareness to get anywhere with it, so while I remember it vaguely, this might as well be the first time I’ve played it haha.
How are you enjoying Tears of the Kingdom and how far along are you?
As for Mario Maker 2, have you made any levels. or just playing them? I am wondering how fun it will be to get the game if I only want to play the levels, without creating anything.
@slimerancher I've been playing Zelda Tears of the Kingdom for about 45 hours, I haven't dedicated myself to doing the main missions, from what I've been playing it seems like an excellent and high-quality game
Also slowly wrapping up TotK, trying to savor it as I wrap up final shrines and things. Besides that I've started another run of Minish Cap in the virtual GBA which is a blast. Messing around with Infinite Fusion has also been really fun
About 10 hours I think to credits, but there’s a whole 4th area you don’t even unlock until finishing the game, so I’m still working through that. I played Pikmin 3 when it came out on Wii U and then again when it came out on switch, so I’m all set there
Story wise, I’ve finished 2 temples, and I’m still missing a couple of tears/cutscenes.
Feels like this games will last forever (probably at least the rest of the year)
Probably Tetris 99 (my go to "I just want to zone out and play" game), and I might pick TotK back up (I'm really early in the game). I bought The House in Fata Morgana last month and haven't started it yet, so I've got that for an option too.
How's Tetris 99 doing these days? I played a little in the beginning, would usually jump in for maximus cup or when they were giving away themes. Haven't played in a long time now though.
TotK is of course great, but it isn't a game you should rush through. Just play at your own pace and enjoy it.
I have played The House in Fata Morgana, but have heard good things about it. So, that's not bad choice too.
It's still around, sometimes joining a 99 game can take a few minutes (the longest I've waited has been like 2, if that)! Some issues dropping connection but it's very rare.
Yeah I'm still working through the shrine levels, Hyrule will be fine until I get to it. And same, the art style for Morgana and plot really drew me to it so I'm excited.
I just finished up with TOTK today. I still have a bunch of minor side quests, but after 175 hours and squeezing as much as I could out of it I think I'm good for now. I decided to go for all the shrines and all the bigger quests.
I have no idea what to do now though. I've got a number of games to play but TOTK felt like a black hole. It absorbed my attention and I feel like anything I play next will feel mediocre in comparison lol.
I'm thinking I might play splatoon 3 finally. Or jump over and try some xbox gamepass games for a bit. I also want to try persona as I haven't played those before. But I am not sure if I'm ready for another 100+ hour experience yet haha
At some point I need to finish monster hunter world iceborne dlc and I would like to play rise. But I have to get in the mood to play those kinds of games I suppose. I find if I get stressed IRL about various life stuff I gotta switch to more casual games for a while.
I've been enjoying power wash simulator when I want to just turn my brain off
i'm in the same boat, i was burned out after completing the main story and shrines so i moved on to the backlog but every day i feel the urge to just jump back in. i'm just waiting at this point if dlc will be anounced in the sept direct to figure out when i do want to jump back in.
I can fully understand this, once I am finished with TotK I am planning to play a few smaller games. Though technically, I am kind of taking a small break and playing couple of smaller games (Marvel's Avengers, which I just finished - and now playing The Order 1886).
I am playing Monster Hunter World these days, and loving it. For me the issue is you can't pause the game when playing, and with my kids I get constant interruptions, so can only play it at very limited times.
I really need to try Power Wash Simulator one of these days. So many people play and like it, and I can't figure out why 😛
The characters are ok, though I really like the tracks. I ended up not playing it though because I can't figure out how to link my Pretendo account on Wii u
Pikmin 2 will be my go-to most if this weekend if i get the chance to game, trying to finish it before pikmin 4 drops.
It's also a community day weekend for Pokemon Go so will head to a park with some friends for a while to catch some squirtles.
Still playing it regularly! While the developer has made some questionable changes, it's still enjoyable. Gives an excuse to go explore new parks and the like, helps that there's an active community where I'm at too.
Yup, played all of them except for 2! Just did a replay of 1 with the HD remake, and now going through 2 for the first time. 3 was great, but felt quite a bit easier than the older ones.
Okay let's try again now I'm actually commenting on the relevant week post ...
Planning to try and complete paper Mario 64 on nso ( currently on chapter 5 ) . Recently got my GameCube repaired and modded so will most likely move onto the thousand year door next.
Also just bought gunfire reborn on steam and have been enjoying that .
There's 8 chapters in total it just breaks the game down into sections to make it feel more like a paper book. So it's probably like 2/3 of the way through . The chapters are different lengths so it's not the greatest indicator.
Ive played about 8 hours.
The thousand year door is my favourite game on the GameCube and my favourite in the series
Just bought the Escapist 2 because my niece wanted to play it with me online. In all honesty I am not that interested in it but it was 5€ on discount, so it's not a huge loss 😅
My friend played Avengers and then later played Guardians of the Galaxy. He really enjoyed Guardians more and said it was what he wanted out of Avengers. So if you're looking to scratch that itch, it might be worth checking out.
I'm a week into Tears of the Kingdom and slowly unearthing my dormant skills from BotW. I don't remember basic enemies being as strong as they are, or else I missed something about gaining stronger armor/defense. Plugging away and will get better over time, though.