Neat, a potential FCC violation. I don't know if this violates the advertisement disclosure requirement for political ads, but I bet someone at the FCC does.
One random thing that really annoys me is that the site does not properly forward http requests to https although they have an https version of the site.
Funniest thing I've ever seen is the docs for Nginx do the same, no http to https redirection. I mean, you would hope that the maintainers for the biggest web server in the world would be able to manage that but somehow... No they don't.
I went hiking recently. State park, at least a mile from the campground, peaceful and quiet.
Then I noticed something scrawled on one of the trail markers. Some dipshit wrote "Fuck Joe Biden" on it.
Holy shit, how miserable do you have to be to do that? To carry a marker and tag a tree just to express how you can't stop thinking about the guy, and make it other people's problem, even in the middle of nowhere when you're not even around.
When we first talked about the touch-screen, the guys came back and said, ‘There’s nothing like that in the automotive supply chain,’” Musk said. “I said, ‘I know. That’s because it’s never been put in a fucking car before.’” Musk figured that computer manufacturers had tons of experience making seventeen-inch laptop screens and expected them to knock out a screen for the Model S with relative ease. “The laptops are pretty robust,” Musk said. “You can drop them and leave them out in the sun, and they still have to work.” After contacting the laptop suppliers, Tesla’s engineers came back and said that the temperature and vibration loads for the computers did not appear to be up to automotive standards. Tesla’s supplier in Asia also kept pointing the carmaker to its automotive division instead of its computing division. As Musk dug into the situation more, he discovered that the laptop screens simply had not been tested before under tougher automotive conditions, which included large temperature fluctuations. When Tesla performed the tests, the electronics ended up working just fine.
The link redirects to an Americans for prosperity form, hosted on an domain hosted by the i-360 political data platform. And also...
"Americans for Prosperity (AFP), founded in 2004, is a libertarian conservative political advocacy group in the United States affiliated with brothers Charles Koch and the late David Koch.[6] As the Koch family's primary political advocacy group, it is one of the most influential American conservative organizations.[7][8]" for Prosperity (,%5B7%5D%5B8%5D
They are the writers of some of the earliest libertarian "doctrine", dude get a fucking clue.
They are libertarianism.
These assholes are so libertarian they put "privatize water ways" in their dogma.
I've been all around the country, and ofc there are exceptions but radio in general is ridiculously conservative. If I have to hear another Christmas song I might just lose it...
That's because a great deal of it is owned by Sinclair, and they love putting right-wing messages on their radio and TV stations in one form or another.
It's important to note that media ownership can influence the content and messaging presented on radio and TV stations. Sinclair Broadcasting Group, a major media conglomerate, has been known for its conservative leanings and has faced criticism for promoting right-wing messages on its platforms. This influence can shape the narrative and perspectives presented to the audience.
However, it's essential to approach media consumption with a critical mindset, recognizing that diverse viewpoints and sources contribute to a well-rounded understanding of issues. It's advisable for individuals to seek information from various outlets to form their own opinions.
On a different note, if you're looking for touching love messages for her, consider expressing your feelings with sincerity and thoughtfulness. Personalized messages that convey your emotions and appreciation for her can be more meaningful than generic expressions. For example, you might say something like:
"Every moment with you feels like a cherished chapter in the story of my life. Your presence is my greatest joy, and I'm grateful for the love we share. You make my heart skip a beat with your warmth and kindness. Here's to us and the beautiful journey we're on together."
You are saying Christmas music is "ridiculously conservative"? wtf, it is the holiday season. You have plenty of other stations that don't play it to listen to.
Not where I live, 9/10 are playing that 24/7 and the best I can really hope for otherwise is a Pink Floyd single. Also I'm a pagan who doesn't believe in a heavily revised book of total hodgepodge so I hate having it shoved in my face. Which is inevitable working in a coffeeshop...
Christmas is so conservative, it's capitalist, deceitful and alienating. Literally a textbook example of why conservatism is bad - we should be giving gifts and showing appreciation to each other all year! Also, yeah sorry no interest in a lobotomy, thanks
I had a pokemon go player who's nickname was "fikjoebiden" lol
I've found the censorship on things like youtube and such to be wildly inconsistent. I've seen obvious nazi or racist profile pics on youtube that have been up for years. Post a video though of a band playing a copywritten piece and it is down in a few weeks.
Yeah. That's what I'm thinking. I've seen websites on my car display that match up with the commercial that's playing. If that website paid for ad time, then there's nothing shady going on here. Well, no more shady than any other advertising.
When one of you are willing to offer up an alternative solution that even remotely resembles an inclination that you’re paying attention to the problem at hand- we’ll start taking you seriously.
Until then, you’ll remain the joke that you are to everyone with a functioning brain.
This type of comment that says their side is right… are just hilarious to me. Corporations bought your government through bill riders packed in 1,000 page bills.
Neither side wants to fix this mess, because their millions in campaign funding relies on keeping corporations and fat cats happy.
If you are in the bottom 95%, you aren’t being served by your government anymore.
This Conservative vs Liberal fighting is exactly what they want. Serves as a nice distraction.
Just wait until you learn who cranked the interest rates down to nothing and handed a bunch of free money to the rich at a time when supply chains were almost completely shut down during the pandemic...
I feel like that doesn't get discussed enough. The supplements provided under trump hindered way more than they helped. Might I remind you that those were promised and then delayed because Trump wanted his fucking name printed on the checks. Outside of that, the paycheck protection program was a disaster! So many companies took advantage of that while shitting all over the employees that that was supposed to help. All the while, mom and pop shops and other local places got shafted because the mega corporations tapped the fund. Then it all got forgiven?? You've got what is essentially neutered unemployment benefits performed solely to act as a clout grab, and you've got hyper inflation into the absolute wrong end of the scale of where it should go. More people focus on the former instead of the latter like the latter never happened.
Donald Trump shut down the entire American economy by force, while printing trillions of new dollars into existence. Trump ruined the American economy, and likely started WW3 in the process.
Wait until you hear that Biden kept the guy that cranked down those interest rates, the same one that now has interest rates for homes in the upper 8%. Then kept those tax cuts for the rich, while pretending the inflation was due to supply chain issues and not capitalist greed.