Novel Writing Software to Plan & Write your story, a web app for planning and writing your novel.
I recently stumbled across this superb little word processor, and I'm just blown away by how good it for being made by one dude for free. It's like a slimmed down version of Scrivener or Papyrus, with a wonderfully simple and easy to use interface.
Works fine in firefox for me. And interestingly, the pwa features still work even though firefox doesn't have first class support for it, meaning you can even access this "website" fully offline after you visit it once.
I'm only going by what the website says, if I click "how to install": there's no mention here of it working with Firefox or relevant instructions (same as in the FAQ), and if I go to there's no obvious way of installing it and it's heavily promoting Google Drive.
I'm also not sure it's FOSS, this page makes reference to "Open sourcing the code for the older versions" which seems half-hearted at best and I've not found any code yet.
Even if I'm wrong about all of the above I'm still put-off by the Google-centric focus of it all.
Manuskript is unfortunately a very buggy piece of software, with regular freezes and crashes. And the UI is, in my opinion, extremely clunky and unintuitive. I love open source software, but I can't in good conscience recommend anyone use it.
Scrivener did have a linux version that they stopped developing, and they ended up giving away the last version. Someone packed it in an appimage for easy use, should be able to find it if you search appimage scrivener. It's a pretty feature complete release, and still works well to this day.
Semi-offtopic, but the one feature I wish was more common is (good) equation support. Whenever I try to use a new word processor, no matter how great, I always find myself crawling back to LyX for anything with maths.
I do like text formats, but even when a graphical editor for it exists, they usually don't provide the convenience of being able to edit equations in-place. Usually there's just raw LaTeX editing, or some kind of pop-out editor.
I saw this on here and it's a really impressive application but my problem with it is that the saving of the files seems to be in some completely unique format and even though you can export it it doesn't really feel good to have to do that with something where you'd spend a lot of time writing.
I had a really good time over the past day and a half spending time writing in the application and I found it fantastic from that standpoint but I have already lost some of the work I've done because you can only have one open "project" at a time and you have to export it and even though it seems to save it it encourages installing as an application so there's problems here that really do need to be addressed so just kind of be forwarned that you're gonna have to export and save frequently, and it's confusing.