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Memmy is ranked #24 in the German App Store in the category Social Networking.

Congratulations 🎉 to Memmy for Lemmy on achieving the number 24 position in the top social network applications in the German App Store. This is quite remarkable, considering that Lemmy is still a niche platform.
Keep the great work going.

  • Looks good! I’m posting from it now. Excellent job!

    Just wondering though… I have an account on another instance. Is there a way to set up more than one in Memmy? It shouldn’t be required, but with all the defederation comments I’ve read, it seems prudent to have more than one account so I don’t end up not seeing posts I’d find interesting.

    • Yep! Profile tab, gear in the top right, Accounts, Account Settings, Add

      Then on your Feed tab you can switch between accounts

      • Yes! Thank you! It works perfectly.

      • Do you know if there's some "secret" to upvoting a comment? I can upvote a post easily, but trying to upvote a comment is just collapsing the comment. I guess the icon/region is too small for my finger to find the right spot?

  • Congrats indeed! I started off on Mlem, but at the speed that Memmy developed and the amount of awesome features they’ve added, this is without a question my app of choice for Lemmy interactions; even when on the MacBook

  • Somehow there are 2 scammy-looking unofficial apps for ”Threads” on the top 10 in Switzerland (I don’t really understand what they are), and yet Memmy is nowhere to be found in the top 200. :(

    EDIT: forgot to mention I was looking at top free apps in all categories; I can indeed find it #38 top free in “Social Networking”

    • Same here in Germany 😆, I guess I will do the same as I would do with the original Meta application, if it were available in the EU.
      Ignoring it!