ancap shark
Please lecture me, I'm somewhat new to linux (I use it for some years now, but only Ubuntu, so you know). What's the point of wayland?
I mean, I get that it's an alternative to Xorg, and it merges the server and client, but what does this mean to the end user?
3 0 Replycally [he/they]
the main thing i've heard about it is that it's more actively developed than Xorg
4 0 Replycorrupts_absolutely OP i dont get screen tearing in games, videos or browsers on wayland and also seem to be getting less issues with compositing, which was a problem on x11 with i915 drivers for me
3 0 ReplyCheesyFox uhm... you get screen tearing on x11? Don't you just turn on full composition pipeline or freesync in your graphics driver settings or by directly editing xorg.conf?
1 0 Reply
dino there is no reason to use something else as an enduser. Maybe as a backup or testing setup you could install something else, but apart from that...
1 1 Reply
auf dead simple. I like it
2 0 Replyrichardisaguy
What menu is that?
1 0 Replycorrupts_absolutely OP im not comfortable with shell yet, but here's what i did
in sway config i havefor_window [title="example_launcher"] floating enable
set $menu foot -T "example_launcher" -w 240x240 -e sh -c 'dmenu_path | | xargs swaymsg exec --'and somewhere in my $PATH i have which looks like this
out=$(fzf -e --print-query "$@")
in=$(echo "$out" | head -1)
res=$(echo "$out" | tail -1 )
if test -n "$res"; then
exec echo "$cmd"there are a couple small issues with the set up though, and also u do need dmenu installed
3 0 ReplyMigratingtoLemmy Can you put this in a code-block?
1 0 Reply
corrupts_absolutely OP fzf, but i had to wrap it to make it act like a menu
3 0 Reply