Israel's strategy with the West Bank is masterful. Wholly and completely evil, but masterful.
Either the Palestinians just accept their lot, in which case Israel incrementally takes their land through their "settler" proxies, or the Palestinians (entirely justifiably) try to fight back, in which case the IDF goes in and kills a bunch of them, and Israel takes their land anyway.
It's fucking despicable, but it works, and if one is devoid of morality, empathy or simple human decency, that's all that matters.
But America just kept pushing the survivors west a couple thousand miles at a time, and at least they got some land. Even if there was no where to displace them to, America would have just killed them all.
Israel is compacting people in a box, physically and psychologically it's torture. Then, when some snap and do some crazy shit, they kill a bunch of people and make the box smaller
They've been doing it for the whole 70 years Israel has existed.
And it gives right wing extremist politicians a constant Boogeyman and without any real threat to themselves, and keeps them in power. So its never going to change.
Modelled after the settler colonial tactics of the Americans, British, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Boer, Australians, Canadians, New Zealanders, Chinese, Germans etc etc
Settler colonialism is an old evil, we saw it do immense damage in the 18th and 19th centuries. Many of us live with its legacy and are still picking up the pieces.
That just isn't true, the majority of the population of American Indians died via disease without ever meeting a European. Also, Americans on many occaisons had virtually no qualms with just committing outright genocide, whereas Israel actually needs "tactics" to try to cover it up.
I love that you name-drop the US when it was the English, Spanish, Dutch, and French that raped every continent and genocided entire cultures before the idea of the United States even existed.
Oh, and don't forget that the IDF have been reported on (and even video taped themselves) stealing money, jewelry, and anything else valuable they can grab in Gaza while they're there.
It's funny, it's pretty similar to what the US government did when they sent in settlers out to the west. Once over enough settlers staking out clams of land, it ended up crowding out the native Americans which led to conflict, and then you ended up with Custer killing bison on the Great plains.
I think the significant part there though is that it's what the US government did almost 200 years ago. Not that that excuses it, but it was a much more primitive and ignorant world then, and at least some of it can be ascribed to that primitiveness and ignorance.
Doing the same thing in the modern world though - that's just pure, unmitigated evil.
Some clowns are down voting the comments here. I suspect that they see this as some righteous reclaiming of land that is infested with vermin. Oh sorry, I mistakenly used the Nazi explanation for when the did the same thing.
As much as I'm appalled at the violence (from both sides), it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone (least of all Isreal) that Palestinian factions would eventually respond with violence to constantly being pushed further into a corner.
Ultimately all the Nazi's scapegoating was merely a means for for those they saw as the best people to expand their power and dominion as well.
I don't take this as a lesson about the Jewish people specifically being bad, I take this as the historically belabored lesson that humanity at large isn't worth saving from its own many self-inflicted crises brought on by greed and power lust using technologies we never, ever cared to respect since their inceptions. We don't respect or care for this earth, or even ourselves amongst ourselves, despite our great power of invention we wield as irresponsibly as a orangutan with a shotgun.
Bring on the climate change. Bring on the AGI. The Earth will weather it as it has every prior mass extinction. Hell, the Devonian mass extinction was ALSO the result of a runaway evolutionary mistake, we aren't the first attack on Earth's biome from within due to catastrophic evolutionary consequences, and we likely won't be the last. Other creatures will suffer, yes, but at least if we are thwarted, that suffering will have an end at some point. Plus they already are. We decimate ecosystems to build strip malls, and stick the handful of species we find cute or some utility in in cages for humans to gawk at and/or labs to bisect. Then we declare them protected.
As long as we continue to have dominion over surface life, including ourselves, the needless suffering of this planet and most of humanity BY the privileged class of humans dejour will be without end, because we are deeply, intrinsically, irrevocably broken, cruel, and self-destructive.
Oh and this current conflict, here's further evidence we also refuse to learn even from recent, intimate, traumatic history. Everyone biding their time, waiting for their turn to punch down. A whole bunch of new cruel people, being cruel to some other people, who'll end up being cruel to them.
Then we dream of cooperating to a degree that we can develop a presence on other more hostile worlds, when we can't even consider peace on the only one, and an abundant one at that, perfectly suited to our biological needs. What a joke.