Uber shaking in their boots now that they have to pay minimum wage, on top of already having a business model thay actually makes no sense and makes profitabilty impossible.
Tech bros big mad when they can't continue to exploit a workforce and have to play by the rules. "How can we disrupt if we can't cheat and steal from our workers and customers?"
Those shit acre silicon carpetbaggers can get infini-fucked.
My understanding is that they are only getting paid the minimum wage while they are actively servicing an order. If they are online but waiting for something to come in they don't get anything.
Thats how it works today. The article discusses a law change where they are paid hourly for just being online to accept orders. So if you are waiting for an hour, even without an order, you need to be paid
It's only unflexable because the companies want endless growth. Obviously this would get in the way of endless growth. So they will push it on to the employees to keep trying to achieve endless growth. I think I'm noticing the real problem here.