Always that feeling
Always that feeling
Always that feeling
Not sure if "felling" is a typo or not, as it seems appropriate...
They edited the title. It was good though.
Entirely the opposite for me. Code which I haven't been able to get to run for days suddenly runs first time when I ask someone to do a code walkthrough with me. Infuriating.
It seems like you need to do more rubber duck debugging.
I have a shelf of ducks, and I organised for everyone in the company to get a branded rubber duck at our last meetup. But there's apparently something special about trying to show buggy code to a real person.
Is there a stair version of a Norman door? I feel like I've seen a story about every president stumbling or falling on those steps. They must be particularly wily, for stairs.
I think it might just be because we keep sending people down them that are in the target market of life alert.
With someone watching! Are they trying to kill themselves through boredom?