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Executive Chimp
Good article. Rather than aliasing `cd ../.." etc. I've got this function in my setup:
up () { local x='' for i in $(seq ${1:-1}) do x="$x../" done cd $x }
This lets me do
up 4
to go up 4 directories.14 0 ReplyCaveman You could also do a "up" for one up "upp" for 2 and "upppp" for 4 because of fun
9 0 ReplyExecutive Chimp
True. That is something that could be done.
4 0 Reply
ENipo Oh I really like this. I never had an alias for this since I need to do multiple backwards cds very rarely, but I might just copy this
4 0 Replytaladar I have the zsh option autopushd set which calls pushd in interactive shells for every cd, that way 90% of the time when I want to go back up to another path I can just use popd
3 0 ReplyExecutive Chimp
Go for it. I've been using it for years without a problem.
1 0 Reply
Specialpatrol Holy shit
2 0 Replybeeng Look into zoxide.
z direc
Will take you to the most used directory starting with "direc" eg "/home/me/random/directory"
2 0 ReplyExecutive Chimp
I've tried things like that before but never got on with them. I found when I had many projects with similar directory structures it was easy to end up in the wrong place and took more thought to get to the right place than just cding
2 0 Replybeeng The dir's are the same names or similar? A few extra key strokes to get the fullname should be easier than cd'ing back and forth.
There's also z foo "space" "tab" as per docs to get interactive list for matches.
But, just a suggestion!
1 0 Reply
Astaroth I use Fish and have keybinds for previous and next directory, 99% of the time when going up in a directory it's to (one of) the previous directory/ies I was in
2 0 ReplyPlexSheep
What I use to automatically extend stuff like
ls ....
tols ../../../..
function expand-dots() { local MATCH if [[ $LBUFFER =~ '(^| )\.\.\.+' ]]; then LBUFFER=$LBUFFER:fs%\.\.\.%../..% fi } function expand-dots-then-expand-or-complete() { zle expand-dots zle expand-or-complete } function expand-dots-then-accept-line() { zle expand-dots zle accept-line } zle -N expand-dots zle -N expand-dots-then-expand-or-complete zle -N expand-dots-then-accept-line bindkey '^I' expand-dots-then-expand-or-complete bindkey '^M' expand-dots-then-accept-line
(for zsh)
1 0 Reply