Hi Monero community! Three months ago, we launched our service with automated virtual cards. It was a successful launch but we needed to close our VCC service for new orders after the first month due to issues with the provider. After 2 months of manual-only delivery, we're happy to announce that prepaid cards are automated again.
Currently maximum limit is $200 for automated cards, we plan to increase it to $1000 this week. For higher amounts you can use our manual services for now.
Also, if you need an anonymous virtual phone number, you may check our virtual number service too:
You receive a tremendous gift link, and when clicking on it you have to enter a name and email address. No verification, but I advise entering a real mail.
Hi, yes card provider is a legit brand on the market. We are just reseller.
$5 fee is unfortunately high for small amounts, but for high amounts such as €1000, it's less in percentage.
For International VISA Prepaid and Mastercard Prepaid Card, you need to activate the card after payment. You can put any name on the activation. For VISA Gift Card (US only) it's auto activated, you can use any random name on checkout.
None of these cards can be refilled, you may use last few dollars to topup your phone credit or similar thing.
If this works, that’s very interesting and potentially very useful.
International Prepaid Card: Supported Countries even include China, Turkey, Turkmenistan. Feels rather unlikely. Is this actually tested well? Or you just listed countries where in theory this might work?
What if that 3-D Secure thing is required?
To test this for a small amount like $5: “Total fees: $5.14 ($5.00 + 2.50%)” means I’d pay $10.14, i.e. fees are 102.8%, higher than the card value itself?
It's the allowance list provided by card issuer, it means transactions in those countries won't be declined by card provider. For example Russia is not in the list, that means payments will be directly declined on Russian merchants. We haven't tested on all countries yet. But I can confirm that our client was able to use the card on Turkish merchant.
3D secure is available on VISA International Prepaid, 3D challenge gets approved automatically (without in need of 2FA code).
You are right about that, it's because of $5 fixed fee. It's reasonable for higher amounts but much on small amounts. I will see what can we do for small amounts.
What exactly does one need to do for “activation”? A phone number and/or GeoIP are involved?
This item in you FAQ page is also cool :)
The product I want to buy is not listed, can you help?
Yes, please contact us to create a special order. We can buy any digital & physical products for crypto.
I truly hope this will become a popular and convenient element for the Monero community and your business will be fruitful. You may want to consider talking to Kycnot.me; if recognized and listed there, that may mean a lot. Thanks for joining monero.town and sharing this interesting news. It’s still iffy, but it does sound great if it works 😊
On the other hand, your blog article, How to Buy a Domain 100% Anonymously?, suggests that you may not be very familiar with these privacy topics. The most obvious and easiest options (Njalla, Incognet) are not mentioned—both directly accept Monero. Also, your knowledge may not be up-to-date, unaware of the ramifications of “Thick Whois”, esp. NIS2, Article 28.
And what about identifiable and personal information? Such as physical address, phone number, full name etc? Is there any requirement to provide it to you or them?
That Tremendous list is where you can redeem the card, which is different than where you can spend the card balance. As explain in the old comment, our list is directly fetched from Tremendous's FAQ (this is shown after card activation). The list hasn't been manually edited by us.
For example, a user in China can buy a card from you, redeem (activate) it and use it internationally, except they can’t use it in shopping at an online shop China?
A user in Pakistan can not activate it and use it at all, though others can use it for shopping internationally incl. at at online shop in Pakistan.
It that what this means? I assume activation then includes GeoIP? I’m very happy that a few user reviews are positive anyway. You know, some “services/companies” advertising here tend to be a bit sketchy or iffy. Your prepaid card business seems a honest one, at least now! Thanks for joining monero.town :) I hope this can be convenient & fruitful for both users and you 🐱