Not to take away the horror of what happened to the skydiver, but can you imagine someone finding a random smashed and decapitated head on the ground? How would you even deal with that?
Went hiking with a friend, who told me to don't come any closer and walk back the way we came. I know not to ask questions and once he has cell service, made a call to a non-emergency line.
He told me what he saw was "like a bunch of dead dogs in the woods". Just him telling me that was causing me to shake and freak out. Whole he was calm and collected. Never bothered digging deeper. And a part of me believes that he didn't see dead dogs, but lied to me to spare me the sight.
Thankfully modern parachutes have an emergency altimeter that will deploy the reserve parachute (the backup one) if you're too low and moving too fast. It's more likely that there was a headless corpse gliding around for a while until he hit the ground or a wall
Unless the pilot did it on purpose or was negligent in some way, they shouldn't be punished at all: It's terrible, but the article isn't very specific on how this happened in the first place.