“But what I will say, too, though, is I think everybody should vote for Joe Biden if they want our democracy to survive,” she added.
Cue the people who want to clutch their pearls like, "BuT I DoN't WaNt ThIs DeMoCrAcY tO sUrViVe!" as if they have an alternative option that isn't a Trump-fueled fascist dystopia.
I think there's an alarming number of Americans who are realizing the government is the only thing between them and the violent fantasies they desperately want to enact.
Also, you not being comfortable, or even able, to think outside of the existing (and completely artificial) constructs we're forced to live under, doesn't mean other options don't exist, only that you haven't bothered looking for them.
Even if that were the case, which it's clearly not, wouldn't it be better to move slowly towards full-on fascism than speed run it?
What is with all the both-sidesing and accelerationism on here in the last few weeks? Some of you all are either too young or too privileged to remember what living under Trump was really like, and he's been abundantly clear that his next term will be far worse.
You won't find very many enthusiastic Biden supporters, but I'd much rather have four more years of this than four-plus more years of Trump with a grudge and nothing left to lose.
I came to the comments to have that question answered. Because fuck this clickbait title. And fuck huffington post generally. If I wanted an article that was just a bunch of snappy white liberals tweeting...I'd go on twitter.
Actually, the article says that she's personally planning to go to the homes of every person that either doesn't vote or votes for Trump and snap the necks of their children.
How is it that people are intelligent enough to type words on a screen to form complete sentences yet incapable of reading the content which they're commenting on? And how do others choose to support this sort of statement?
“But what I will say, too, though, is I think everybody should vote for Joe Biden if they want our democracy to survive,”
For the elementary schoolers, Hutchinson is saying that, "if they want our democracy to survive", "everybody should vote for Joe Biden".
You may not agree with this statement, you may claim that this title is clickbait, you may argue that HuffPost is a shitty outlet for news; but to question "what's the dark reason?" and have others upvote such a question, while the answer to the question is very clearly written in the article in which you're commenting on, suggests you and others are simply too lazy or disinterested in giving a shit about the topic and more interested in generating your own rage-bait content for karma.
So, do you just read every article that comes across your feed? How much time per day do you spend reading? Do you ever worry you may be missing out on important information, due to not selecting articles more likely to convey newer information, more relevant information, or more in depth information?
Personally, I appreciated the question, and the answer, as it saved time that I can use on reading something more valuable to me - or, I guess, on writing this comment. A lot of articles these days use misleading or vague headlines to trick people into reading a long article that says nothing more than could have been conveyed in the headline itself.
Now, I will admit, thanks to your comment, I did click through and read this article, just so I wouldn't look like an idiot writing this comment, if it turned out to be much different from what was said above, or to provide more context, or whatever, and yes, I did find it was not so bad. It's pretty brief, and while the main point could have easily been in the headline, the article does give some additional context (most of which I knew, but it was a good refresher). Whether we choose to read or not to read, we are taking a gamble with our time and opportunity cost, but people in the comments giving at least some information is better than having nothing to go on, or trusting a headline from a source known to use misleading headlines.
...............yes. that is the "the end of democracy" that we've been aware of now for the entirety of Trump's political existence. I know this because I did read the article.
Probably not the case with her, but I'm registered as a Republican to vote in their primaries. The way the party has gone though it's going to be a cold day in hell before I vote for a Republican in a general election.
There's a lot I disagree with Democrats on, but in general I can usually live with whoever they end up putting up as a candidate. I may not be thrilled about some of them, but they're usually not trying to send us headfirst into a fascist hellhole.
Republicans though, while pretty much all shitty, are a bit of a mixed bag, and I'd rather try to head off the trumps, Santoses, DeSantises, etc. before they make it to the general election.
Can you please explain to us what you're talking about? How Is Joe Biden "Genocide Joe"?
And I guess you're a Trump supporter, why don't you call him "Trump the insurrectionist"? He did in fact try to take power on january 6, but I guess that's OK.
There's been a concerted push by these dillweeds lately whining about Biden monetarily supporting Israel -- something the US and literally every US president has done since Israel existed -- which somehow amounts to Biden personally performing any and all atrocities Israel is up to at the moment. Therefore the only logical thing to do must be to not vote for Biden or any other Democrats (unspoken subtext: and let Trump win instead).
He's a lemmy.ml user so I would suspect he's not a Trump supporter but instead someone who gulps down the propaganda the Kremlin and Beijing aim at the western left by the gallon.
So what you are saying is that Donald J Trump is going to come to the rescue of the oppressed Muslim people of Palestine? The same Trump whose Middle East peace plan was formulated by his Jewish son-in-law and basically said “give Israel what they want, and everything will be fine”?