Desperate times, desperate measures
Desperate times, desperate measures
Desperate times, desperate measures
Roger Roger
I just refill mine at the mall washrooms.
I just re-use mine after I've used it once. Just scrape the stuff on your hands back into the bottle. Wastes less water that way too.
When my coworkers ask me if I'm doing okay.
Real talk, could that work?
No. Even if the tube could pull up some of the soap, which it can’t, it would get jammed in the small space it’d have to navigate
Ok thanks
Real talk, get some Dr bronners liquid soap and mix a little in to a spray bottle with lots of water if you want good spray soap
Could you dissolve a soap bar in water and use it from a liquid soap dispenser?
I'm guessing you'd need some sort of thickener at the very least otherwise it's just going to be like water.
Soap water, which would work
PSA: if you use liquid soap and the current bottle comes to an end, don’t dilute the rest with water. It will change the ph of the soap and it will become less effective against germs.
That's just wrong there buddy.