I know this is just a meme, but mini rant time here.
"Free speech" literally just means the government can't arrest, censor, or penalize you for just for the things you express. Of course, there are exceptions for public safety, fraud, etc..
If Musk loses advertising revenue, that is the advertisers exercising their free speech in a free market, and deciding who they associate with.
These crybabies like Musk are upset at having consequences, and throwing a tantrum about their freedom of speech is an intentional red herring and attempt to recontextualize reality so they end up being the victim of some ephemeral bully.
The richest and most powerful people on the planet are not being persecuted.
They are just not used to being called out on their bullshit and are too weak and immature to accept being told they are wrong sometimes.
«Me plugging my ears as I walk by crazy right wing protestors»
"Ahhh! You're not listening to me! You're not respecting my freedom of speech! And if you tell your friends that I'm an asshole and to avoid my ramblings, then you hate free speech!"
You're right; he didn't specifically say that. He called a Twitter post that said Jewish people hate white people was "so right." And that's a big Neonazi thing.
So... he didn't say Hitler was right, just that a major Nazi tenet is.
If I remember correctly, the Gizmodo story on this thing had a link directly to Musk’s tweet, and from there you can see the conversation he was responding to.
I honestly dont understand why anyone cares about or how twitter would lose funding. It feels so masturbatory to say you just want elons stuff to fail just because dont like him as a person which is also weird to me 🤷
This is a really lame perspective you have. If Musk was a country he'd be the 50th wealthiest country in the world.
Wanting to see someone with that much power lose as much as of that power as possible is socially responsible imo. Trying to minimize the opinion of people who are pissed at him using his power to signal boost hate speech as "just because they don't like him" is a really fucking empty headed dumb fuck analysis.
On one hand I agree schadenfreude is a dangerous thing that one should be careful about how they engage in
On the other hand he wields a LOT of power over our discussions as a society because he owns a successful platform. If twitter fails it takes away some of his power to be a shithead and to shape our discussions in a way that sucks (ie, inviting everyone to be bigots and to be cruel to their fellow humans on a scale that's frankly kinda horrifying)