Glad to see them having to serve 35 yrs before chance for parole; only thing better would’ve been to remove them from this plane of existence.
Taking the life of someone who spends their days teaching you something, simply because you did a shit job at learning and likely didn’t put any effort into it.
These kind of people do not deserve the tax money it will take to keep them locked up behind bars.
So I wonder what their end game was if they simply beat her up. Did they honestly think that she would simply give them a better grade and not mention all her injuries to anyone?
How am I just hearing about this now. The fact that this gets pushed down the newsfeeds by other disturbing shit in this country reminds me why I don’t go outside and hate everyone.
The news feeds on blood, because it's what gets people's attention. 90% of people are still generally good and kind, but the remaining 10% need to be controlled by the 90 and that takes effort.
That's the biggest reason a-holes tend to get their way in our world. Because good people rarely have the mentality that they need to put their foot down and control the menacing people. Compassion and empathy gone awry can lead to dire outcomes for compassionate and empathetic people.
LOL, these fucking idiots needed numbers and weapons to kill a 66 year old woman. They are going to get the ever loving shit kicked out of them in prison. Welcome to hell, fuckos.