Going to forward it to my dad so he can slowly read it aloud during Thanksgiving dinner while a dozen people sit uncomfortably in silence, waiting for him to look up so they can awkwardly laugh.
Because it is, just translated to picture memes now instead of formatted to have big, flashing red-lettered words and bolded emphasis. I remember seeing this list at least a few years ago.
Someone took a list of insults written about soldiers in the military, and rephrased them. Do you actually think teachers would say this stuff about their students in writing?
I swear this website (collection of websites, social media network, whatever) makes me regret leaving reddit more and more every day. The people here are fully incapable of understanding sarcasm or humor. It's hilarious
I think it's partly because you'd get mocked ruthlessly on Reddit for missing the joke, whereas here either nobody points it out, or they're very kind about it.
"When her IQ reaches 50 she should sell" is probably the wittiest one.
I'm going to assume that none of these teachers are real, some corndog just pulled this thing out of the fucked up meme engine that makes facebook suck so bad. Some schmuck who writes jokes for morning FM drive time radio probably sat down with a pencil and wrote these.
If it gets any worse it's going to say "REAL FRIENDS STAY" in shitty cursive on a purple background and that's it, that's the whole meme, because facebook.
I wonder how close to the bottom of that drain we are now.
My favorite is the “delusions of adequacy”, that one had to sting! The six-pack one though sounds like possible ADHD or some other learning disorder - your child is smart enough, but lacks the ability to do well
I hope the teacher who said #11 isn't teaching reproductive biology.
The sperm that makes it through to the egg doesn't get there first. Multitudes of other sperms die weakening the wall, receiving nothing in return, only for another to slide right in and reap all the rewards and renown for their sacrifice. It's basically the perfect analogy for capitalism.
The free market is not, as the social Darwinists imagine, a struggle between rich and poor, strong and weak. It is the principal means by which human beings cooperate in order to live. If each of us had to produce all his food and shelter by himself, almost no one could survive. The existence of large-scale society depends absolutely on social cooperation through the division of labor.
I once in high school was told about a thing I couldn't do to basically "just do it" by a teacher. In a meeting about my support network. My mother almost wanted to hit the teacher in the head with the dossier.
Maybe some of them, but some people are just legitimately stupid beyond repair in a neurotypical way. It's not their fault, it's not a moral failing and they deserve empathy and respect. It's just very unfortunate in today's society.
You know you can also analyze satire and comment on the hypothetical people involved in them too, right? Because satire is supposed to be a way to draw attention to real-life problems?
Bold of you to assume the teacher has a basic understanding of any subject matter they teach. We need to stop assuming we're going to get the cream of the crop when teachers are often forced to take second jobs just to make ends meet. If we pay more, then we can demand more, and someday we can expect more.