Not drinking anymore has allowed me to travel the world to five continents, 40 countries, multiple cruises and meet people from all over the world. It's amazing how much money and time you save when you stop drinking, smoking and drugging. It also allowed me to run a small business fixing building repairing houses for over 30 years and save enough money and time and energy to own my own house, multiple vehicles and two other recreational properties.
I still drink milk sometimes though ... just not in public because it makes me fart.
I can't drink alcohol for medical reasons. It interacts badly with one of my prescriptions. It's really weird how often I have to tell people about it. Nobody really pressures me after I say "medical reasons", of course... but I'm very familiar with that confusion people get.
For me it's basically the same reason I don't drink soda. And yet no one questions me when I have an iced tea instead of a soda, but not drinking alcohol requires an explanation.
You know what I hate? In the rare times I order tea at a restaurant (they never boil the water, so it's almost always weak), I ask for milk instead of cream and the waiter looks at me like I asked for some sugar to put on my steak.
I've made this mistake when visiting US customers. Tea is not as common in Canada as coffee but it's still much more common than Coke with your breakfast. Most place carry regular and herbal teas, even coffee shops.
I sometimes forget when going for a business lunch and order tea in some US restaurants. One time they brought out the old school full size tea pot for 6. Mr Belvedere would have been proud. The milk was a bit of a juggle for them too versus cream in those little plastic cups.
Now I just stick with coffee or ice tea when south.
I really do not like coffee, but I will tolerate iced tea (can't say I love it either). I don't like soft drinks, so it's pretty much iced tea or water for me if I go out.
sonetimes I stop and get a single serving bottle of milk at the store to drink on my walk home from work and always feel weird if people see me drinking it... guess now I know I'm not the only one.
For awhile chocolate milk was a big thing post workout at the gym. I never wanted to chug milk most of the time let alone chocolate milk after a workout. Water is just fine thanks
This post reminded me how much I cut back on alcohol. This year, I have been drinking 3 times, on my b-day, visiting a friend and once when a friend was over. I'm a mental wreck (clinical depression) so I cannot say I'm feeling better. Maybe I would feel worse if I drank more tho.
Lactose intolerance leaves me with only buttermilk or plant-based products. Although I still eat cheeses when I feel okay to spend half an hour on the toilet.
alcohol withers your body so much, maybe you don't feel it now, but maybe one day you will wake up looking 20y older than you supposed to be. maybe it sounds harsh, but thas what i fear the most. Thats why i rarely go out - all my friends i know keep drinking, and without participating in it there's really not much to do. I take drinks now or then, but getting shit faced and spending whole Saturday hangover seems kind waste of free time.
Fuck milk tho.
Is expressing a reasonable concern that they have difficulty socialising without doing activities they don't enjoy which have health consequences they want to avoid actually something that deserves that comment?
Cheese is next level weird when you think about it, especially aged ones, but I must say I find a great variety of them really delicious.
Some of them are very much essential in my favorite foods. Butter as well as cream is nice too.
Ice cream!
Eating dairy-based food in public isn't weird. So that's another solution; Eat an ice cream with whipped cream, a pizza with four different cheeses, or just brioche bread and butter!
However, if you want to drink the milk, you better shake it first with some vanilla, strawberry or chocolate ice cream. Milkshakes are totally accepted.
Well, yes, since we already do that. And human milk is at least from our species.
I personally think that would be very weird, but less weird than drinking the breast milk of other species.
I'll refer you to another response from this wonderfully lively thread:
""What do you like to drink?"
"What's that?"
"This breast juice from other animals. It's super healthy for the percentage of our population that can digest it."
"Oh...Why from other animals?"
"Well, we're not going to drink human breast milk, that would be gross. I mean, we give it to babies. Cow and goat lactation, though, that's for grown-ups.""
I love milk in my tea and cream in my coffee not to mention ice cream but it's still meant for helping calfs grow quickly into cows at the same time. We are talking huge gains quickly here.
Some argue it's why north American kids grow up so much faster and bigger than our Asian counterparts where milk and cheese is not as huge part of their diets. The kids hit puberty sooner too as a result. That's changing in other parts of the world as cheese and milk make their ways into the diets even in places that never understood why Americans eat so much cheese on everything.
Low fat products created enormous sources of removed fat that could be turned into all kinds of dairy products including cheeses. It's also heavily subsidized by government too. Dairy is so cheap in the US as a result compared to even Canada.
I don't guzzle milk anymore like I did as a teen due to the amount of phlegm the body can create with its consumption. I've never forgotten a health video years ago that equated milk to drinking a glass of puss due to the things done to cows to make commercial milk.
I guess in my mind cheese is adjacent but not milk, but that's just fooling myself as I eat my cheese.
It's a huge industry in the west and I don't think we will ever not see how great milk is for us. A lot is dedicated to keep those consumption numbers up and I do like my dairy products.
Wow! I think I had actually blocked out that pus memory but as soon as you said it my brain was like. Oh yeah you hated that, so I might have seen that.
If we think about this way, yes it is indeed pretty weird but it has really great nutrients which are crucial for children to grow in a healthy way (in moderation just like with any other food, fruit, vegetable).
I think milk has vitamins and nutrients as well, vitamins and nutrients that can be easily supplemented by other dietary sources.
It's much more the fact that it's just day to day normal to drink breast milk from other animals.
"What do you like to drink?"
"What's that?"
"This breast juice from other animals. It's super healthy for the percentage of our population that can digest it."
"Oh...Why from other animals?"
"Well, we're not going to drink human breast milk, that would be gross. I mean, we give it to babies. Cow and goat lactation, though, that's for grown-ups."
Most of the useful things in milk are there because we artificially added them in. There is no real reason for this, it's just what we have been doing for a long time
You can get all the vitamin D you need from just 10-30 minutes midday a few times a week.
Also, cow's milk doesn't naturally contain vitamin D. Vitamin D is added to cow's milk and is even required by law in some countries (Canada and Sweden). Might as well just drink any milk alternative fortified with vitamin D.
If only humans could make their own vitamin D. Oh, wait
The major natural source of vitamin D is synthesis of cholecalciferol in the lower layers of the epidermis of the skin, through a photochemical reaction of UVB light, from the sun exposure (specifically UVB radiation) or UVB lamps.
There aren't? Fish right? Isn't that what fish and fish oil is all about? I think there are plenty of dietary sources of D3 beyond breast milk, if that's the issue.
What gives you the idea that eating animal meat is unintentional?
I can think of plenty of examples of one animal eating the meat of another, but only one example of a majority of a species drinking the breast milk of another species.
So yeah, drinking milk seems weirder to me than eating meat.