I’ve never been a big user, but as I’ve grown older, pot has made me pass out more than once. I took a drag off of a joint at a festival a few years ago and passed out and couldn’t be revived for 5-10 minutes. They said my blood pressure dropped dramatically. I’m wondering if this happens to anybody else
The big problem in your situation is your blood pressure dropped significantly. Maybe it was just a coincidence, maybe not, but you should definitely see a doctor and talk to them about your blood pressure and see what they have to say. Lots of reasons that can happen.
Never used it myself, but my mother has told me when she was much younger she tried pot a few times and stopped because it just put her to sleep, and this was well before the strong strains we have today.
I have the same reaction. Weed makes me sleepy, and the only good thing about it is some of the wildest vivid dreams I had happened right after smoking it.
Quit downvoting this, yeesh people. Absolutely nothing wrong with this comment, it's probably true, and it's completely reasonable. And I've smoked plenty of weed in my time.
This happened a few times with friends. They just dropped like a rock and then were pale for a few hours. It's not uncommon but I would avoid smoking if it keeps happening. Being knocked out for 5-10 minutes is a long time. Passing out is generally considered a medical emergency.
You locked your knees without realizing it, shut down the blood return from your legs, then had a drop in blood pressure due to decreased blood return to your heart causing you to pass out.
You took a big hit, expanded your chest, held it, decreased blood flow through your thoracic cavity due to the increased intrathoracic pressure then a blood pressure drop as above.
Your vasovagaled yourself somehow (bearing down on a held hit maybe or just due to weed effects) which is increased parasympathetic nervous system tone that drops blood pressure
Some weird shit 🤷🏼♂️, the body can be odd and changes as we age so maybe you just can't smoke weed now cause of the earlier mentioned weird shit
I agree with your doc (I'm a family med physician), don't smoke if all of a sudden you're passing out.
Thank you very much. It’s happened multiple times and every time I was standing up. Fortunately, I don’t find the effects of cannabis super enjoyable so I think I’ll just stop.
I do that. I got thc-v extract isolated in a lab from someone in the industry (supposedly a bit more of a simulant), when I took it I passed out until the next day and was depressed for a week after that. There's some poorly understood relationship here, but my doc said it confirms my (very mild) type 2 bipolar suspicion/diagnosis.
i have high blood pressure and was smoking while they sorted it out with medication. when it was finally under control the doc suggested i keep it in the cocktail, needless to say it definitely lowers your blood pressure.
Are you sure what you got was good quality? I find Massachusetts to have the best quality stuff near me. I've purchased from New Jersey, but have questioned the quality on occasion. Once it was bad enough that I felt pretty off for a while, and felt like I was going to pass out, but ultimately didn't. A couple of other times I've been stoned and just got light headed when I stood up, but that could also just be chalked up to getting up too quickly or not hydrating enough, and might've happened with or without weed.
It's possible weed just doesn't agree with you, or a certain strain. From your other comments your doctor told you not to smoke when you brought it up. None of us should contradict your doctor's advice, but if you're not going to listen to that, then I'd at least suggest getting a second opinion.
I have experienced this, a grand total of twice, but not for 5-10 minutes (once I was in a towel and came back around vibrating on the floor which was confusing but probably was the longest one at a minute or two).
I was a chronic joint smoker and would get lightheaded standing up in general. Typically since having switched to vaping it no longer happens. Is the high otherwise pleasurable for you?
Do you have a heart/lung/blood pressure condition in general?
It happened to me once but it was not even for a minute. Was standing outside a party smoking a big fat joint that people were passing around and then out of a sudden I felt super light headed, lights started to go off and next thing I know I'm being carried by the person that was standing next to me, then I had another person asking if I took anything else and was ready with a narloxone but I fortunately managed to tell them that I didn't take anything else and the friends I was with knew that as well so I wasn't poked with it. Bought a gatorade and was unfortunately not let back into the venue. I think it happened because I hadn't really eaten much that day and maybe it was too much weed for my tiny body even though I have a high tolerance, I think I'd also taken one drink so taking all those things into account it wasn't super surprising. If anything my general weed tolerance is surprising.
Actually another time I don't think I passed out but was in the verge of was a 4/20 event at the beach, I took a killer edible and had smoked a bit. So also not surprising.
If you really don't want to leave it then I'd start from tiny dosages and study how it makes you feel but also make sure that your blood pressure is not too low in general before smoking. Your health and safety come first. Also don't smoke alone anymore.
Well, I can't use the stuff personally. Kicks me into anxiety spirals.
But, I know a shit ton of mj enthusiasts because I've always been friendly about it anyway.
The degree of reaction you're describing isn't common. But it does happen. Herb being a
natural product, there's variance in exactly what balance of canabinoids are there, and there's always the non-zero risk of additives if you didn't grow it yourself.
Plenty of people will smoke a J specifically because it makes them sleep easy, but directly passing out is rarer to find. From what I've run across, that's usually a sign that there was something else in it. In the instances I've run across it happening otherwise, the person had something else in their system that did it in combination. MJ is typically going to spike heart rate and blood pressure, not drop it, so a sudden and severe drop would be a very unusual event.
So, I suspect that the festival joint was not just weed. People have been known to mix their stuff and not warn others. If that wasn't the case, then I'd suspect an interaction with a medication you're taking, but (being honest) I've never heard of anything that drops BP in combination with thc, or cbd in specific, nor even with whole flower.
It's kinda the main risk involved with the substance, and it's typically a stronger affect when smoked because of the smoke itself. It increases heart activity in a way that isn't beneficial, and may (not enough data out there for any conclusions to have been published that I've seen) have long term negative outcomes.
I would say that if you're having that showing strong a reaction, it may be time to test out reducing your dosage when you do partake