Wow. This kind of mickey mouse attempt to prove affirmative action is "reverse racism" was invented by literal teenagers in conservative/Republican student groups across university campuses in the 1990's. Not only is it a total misunderstanding of how affirmative action works, it's full blown trite at this point.
Upsetting that this passes for TV journalism and I'm upset for those people interviewed who had to undergo experiencing this microaggression for the sake of this inept clown to try to make a point.
Oh THANK GOD you arrived at just this point of my life to shine light on the fact I'm stupid as shit. WHEW!! Now I can no longer be burdened with any decision making for the rest of my life. What would I have done without your scathing insight and rapier wit??? I shudder to imagine all the pitfalls I would have befallen without the kind and gracious light you've now shone on my life.
Hey everyone! Let's make @Unhappily_Coerced dictator for life! He's solved racism! Surely he has all the answers to the rest of society's ills!
If by "perfectly illustrates" you mean "bait-and-switched two situations that are not remotely similar for cheap propaganda to appeal to right-wing dipshits who don't understand the difference between attempting to mitigate generational systemic economic oppression and buying an impulse item," then yes... It did do that.
That’s not what affirmative action is you cretin. This situation is not even remotely comparable. If you think it is then you’re either a literal child or just a full on bird-brained simpleton (or possibly both).
Instead of seeking to lose a debate through name-calling, I encourage you to focus on constructive techniques that can foster a healthy discussion and lead to personal growth and learning.
It's called satire... If you cannot comprehend the joke, I hope God has blessed you in some other important way. Have a great day!
This isn’t a debate. That person in the video is just a moron, as is everyone who thinks the video makes any kind of remotely valid point.
“iT’s SaTiRe” isn’t the automatic win card that you seem to think it is. The video is making a joke, but in that joke it’s attempting so say something (you know this because you referenced it in the title and caption of this post) — the thing that it’s saying is just stupid and wrong because it’s a false equivalency and a complete misunderstanding of the topic it’s taking about.
Nothing I say can make you see people of color as worth dignity, so I don't care to expend the energy to try to convince you.
Now you're implying that I'm racist while I'm clearly advocating for anti-racist policies... It's certainly true that the leftys don't get much smarter than this prime example.
Since when is charity dignifying for the recipient?