Fridgeratr ! Water is not wet ! Water makes things wet
15 0 Replybobor hrongar OP
i bet your eyes are wet from all that seething
15 0 ReplyFridgeratr My eyes are wet normally! Especially when wearing my contacts
4 0 Reply
lseif is sand sandy? of course. is salt salty? of course. is milk milky?
4 0 ReplyFridgeratr Water is watery, but not wet. Milk isn't soaked in milk, it just IS milk
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YeetPics Dry off that water, show us dry water.
11 0 ReplyNice_Melt_Pleb Ok.
19 0 ReplyYeetPics I've seen enough Nile red to know what you mean.
3 0 Reply
bobor hrongar OP
hmm, okay.
4 0 Reply
katy ✨
the last one is best: the mayo is non existent
6 0 ReplyZoldyck 🇺🇦 = perfection
6 0 Replydastechniker 19 drams of watery mayonnaise
4 0 Replycan Why is it mayonnaise this time?
4 0 Replyerusuoyera Wouldn't the mayo be on top of the water?
3 0 Replybobor hrongar OP
idk I'm not a mayo physicist
6 0 Replyerusuoyera Sorry, I ask too much. Thank you for bringing your important findings to us anyway.
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MTK Doesn't mayo float?
3 0 ReplyPossiblyHuman I just saw this. It was water and oil. Help.
2 0 ReplyDavel23 But what about Particle Man?
2 0 ReplyFridgeratr What's he like? It's not important
1 0 Reply
This minions memes are coming back in unexpected ways
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