A lot of people are seemingly completely unable or unwilling to take a step back from their own position and look at a situation at least slightly more rationally. Everything is only seen and interpreted as how it affects them.
The cashier is not super friendly? Must be, that he's an asshole, can't be that he just had a bad day.
There's a minor inconvenience to me because of some public good? Well, fuck the public, I want mine.
An argument with a friend, and I'm already angry? Better get even more angry and start screaming, that'll show him!
We evolved in a climate where that reasoning worked well for our species’ expansion. The amount of time we’ve had written language is only a blink of an eye compared to our species history, so of course we are maladapted to the modern world.
People who don’t use emotional thinking are the exception rather than the rule.
I make lot of decisions on emotions too. The joy of helping people. The pain of seeing others suffer. Admiration of what people create. Fear for someones safety. Anger of hearing about unfairness.
What I don't get is why so many of these "emotional" people dont seem to have any emotions like that. How is it to live like that? Only living with emotions like fear for oneself and oneself only? This isn't a fight between logic on one side and emotion on the other. Not science versus beliefs either. It is empathy versus greed. The only emotion these assholes has is a fear of losing whats "theirs", I'm pretty sure. And if scientific reasoning says its smart to share, of course they disregard it.
Reality is a team sport, to some people. They only accept or reject claims based on interpersonal trust. They don't think there's anything else. Science is just trusting smart guys. Being real smart grants them the power to decide what's true, this week.
The obsession with what other people do with their lives. I like to be left alone, mind my own business, not bother others. But there seems to be some part of the population that is the opposite and just can't help but poke and pry at others.
Its because there are some that believe that their freedom does not encroach on the freedoms of other, and need a polite reminder that their actions have consequences, and that we're all part of a larger whole, no matter how much we pretend otherwise.
Like when people keep asking "is so and so gay" (usually a celebrity). I mean, unless you're trying to date that person, what difference does it make. Whatever they do behind closed doors - you're probably not getting an engraved invitation to join in, so give it a rest!!
There are people that destroy things with no benefit to themselves or do things that hurt themselves just because it hurt who they consider to be "the right people."
The primary goal is to show off how much of a team member they are, by picking on some “other”. It strengthens their ties to their group, by having an enemy to unite against.
The way we destroy everything in the long term for short term gains. If our goal is to not die out, we are doing it wrong. Its like we're speed running extinction.
Harm done to them by other people, and justifiably and rationally looking for answers to how/why/what/where/when/who, so they can make the harm less likely to be repeated in the future by altering their behavior appropriately.
With special emphasis on the "who", because it's easier, when they should be focusing on the "how" and "why". The "why" part is the most important, but also hardest to tackle.
Everyone seems to need instant gratification in every aspect of life. No one seems capable of thinking for more than 25 seconds into the future. The pervasive culture of "Fuck you, got mine", and the rat race to the almighty dollar. I don't get it, it's sad, and it's the driving force behind not wanting children. The world sucks, and I want to reduce suffering.
Why "human nature" takes a higher priority than "common sense".
Human history is rife with people fueling vicious cycles, most notably surrounding conflicts between certain groups of people like we see today. These cycles are excused under the crutch of "human nature" but wouldn't exist if those people stepped back and thought "wait a minute".
When I was little, me and my siblings were taught that our outcomes are our responsibility and that our physical/neurological/psychological shortcomings are no excuse for a member of society, so when I see someone talk about someone having done something wrong and say "it's only human nature", I just want to say "dude, I'm a woman with several medical conditions and yet you're worse than I am if you use the plain fact that someone is human to justify their behavior".
I was thinking last night how weird it is that we can suspend disbelief while watching a movie. Like, we see Tom Cruise on screen and know he's the most famous person in the world and we saw him alive on TV today, yet we get worried that he's gonna die in a ten year old movie?
Well...there are a lot of things I don't understand, but maybe I'm just weird in that way :))
I don't understand why some people accept that what they know at this moment is enough and don't try to learn new stuff and be better tomorrow than they are now.
I don't understand why some people choose to ignore creativity and event think that creative people are childish or even stupid.
And also, I don't understand why lots of people choose to be jackasses and act accordingly to others when it would be so easy do not do this.
People that sit in air conditioned offices and do 3 hours of work all day get paid more than people who work on the factory floor for 12 hours with minimal breaks. Makes no sense.
It really doesn’t. Sure, some designer in an ivory tower may have designed the product, but they sure as hell aren’t the person that builds hundreds of them.
I've yet to see the big wigs even do 3 hours of actual work during a work day, let alone the kind of physical labor that factory floor workers have to perform all day long. In the last company I worked for (and I'm now retired) there were 34 managers on my floor, and 3 of us doing sales, customer service, repair, delivery, and distribution for the company. The managers mostly spent time on Amazon, but often had meetings to decide what they could do to prompt us to work harder with more duties.
One of the many myriad things I don't understand is why humans don't think of themselves as organisms. Like they know they can train dogs to do things with positive reinforcement but don't think other people do that to them. Or if someone did it's some kind of insult.
There's a weird disconnect between humans and nature in general.
It's against the law to let animals suffer to death in cases of injury, sickness, etc. Euthanasia is almost mandated. But the same thing for humans is a horrible crime, even if the person explicitly asked for it. That's insane.
Simple: For most people (not everyone) even the thought of it releases stupid happy drugs in brain. It suppresses the feeling of disgust very effectively. Free will my ass, we are chained to those brain chemicals.
Weirdly enough a lot of humans are very opinionated on who are allowed to think about who, even if the brain chemicals doesn't give a shit. Its all a big mess really and earth would probably be better off if humans didn't produce these chemicals.
the superman-paranoia effect. something like if there's a being out there that has super abilities and uses it to help others, governments would still reign this person in just-in-case he goes rogue.
Why do people tap their breaks in the left lane when passing someone slower on the right?
Please stop. Tap your breaks if you're signaling something going on in front, or if you need to slow down faster than just taking your foot off the gas will slow you.
Why are you braking?! I find myself asking that out loud at the driver in front of me too many times. Sometimes I see drivers in other lanes doing it too. It's as if they were driving a runaway vehicle that accelerates on its own.
Why any human being actually believes they're somehow going to find salvation. That's what I don't understand. We're all prejudiced, we're all full of our own bigotry toward others, we're temperamental, gun happy, torture-loving monsters. Humans are not designed to be "loving" creatures, and we continue to think the horrors we do will somehow be forgotten or forgiven. I'm reminded of the movie "From Hell." This is what people are, the rough smut of beasts, slouching toward Bethlehem, not to honor or repair but to destroy it with our anger.
At the end of the day, we’re all just dumb, stupid animals. Natural selection may have given us brains with more folds, but the process of selection cares not for things that don’t impact immediate survival. Anxiety, depression, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, cancer… the list goes on. Those things don’t matter for selection because they don’t really have an impact on our ability to continue our gene line.
It’s evident in the way our society works. Everyone, at the end of the day, just wants to get by. Some feel that in order to do so, they have to be better off than everyone else. They have to have the big stick. Meanwhile most of us would be happy if we didn’t have to struggle to pay rent or buy food.
We’re no better than viruses at the end of the day. We’re just unique (or maybe not so?) that we can comprehend the thought.
So true. That's the point of the novel "Animal Farm." We want a human society where justice and peace prevails. But, inevitably, there are some pigs who feel they deserve a bigger slice of pie and don't care how they get it. It's not pretty, it's not some mythic ideal of paradise, but it's the reality we live in. Yeah it's true we have the ability to comprehend yet we still lack the ability to feel and to care. In a way, that's even worse than being a dumb animal.
We do pretty well on average. Problem is, destroying things is a lot easier than building things, so it only takes a small number of absolute bastards to ruin it for everyone, and helpful people are much less likely to just kill those guys than the other way around.
We have this notion (bred by a delusion of civility) that we are somehow a peace-making race. Which is about as true as saying that rabies is a fun disease of peaceful bliss. We are all rabid monsters, humans have what anthropologists call a "reptilian brain." We're about getting everything for ourselves, and leaving nothing for others. We grab all we can off the table, and then spit bile over what remains so those below can have nothing good for themselves. We're evil, we're sick, we're all the same. So this war in the middle East is just a fun lark, once you see the real truth.