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Bay Area innovator stops shoplifting, gives shoppers power to open padlocked shelves

Bay Area innovator stops shoplifting, gives shoppers power to open padlocked shelves::New technology coming to stores could stop theft and ease customer access.

  • Great, so now they can fire all their on-site staff and force their customers to use some shitty, proprietary app/software that 100% grabs as much of their personal data as possible. All while the only people who save money in the long run is the corporation that puts these in, and the company selling it to them.

    I'm sure the corpos that install these will lower their prices once they recoup the losses they have from the stealing right?....right?...

    The cyberpunk corpo dystopia is upon us already.

  • Am I the only one that read the title as the innovator was actually a shoplifter but they made a life decision to stop and instead invent an anti-theft device?

    Was he doing research for his invention, is this just a ploy to help him steal more down the track from his own devices, was he visited by 3 ghosts during the night just before Christmas and have a change of heart?

  • If I see a store doing this (or any other locking up of basic goods) I am never shopping there ever again. Also: Sledgehammer.

    You want to stop shoplifting? Stop charging nearly double for everything.