Gifts for young kids who are really into airplanes?
I've got a nephew who is 3-something years old. He's really into airplanes. All of the ideas of gifts I've found have either been books (I give him books, but I'd like to give him something interactive) or toys that are way above his age level.
Does anyone have a recommendation for a good gift for a 3 to 4-year-old who loves airplanes?
Edit: I just want to give a big thanks to all of you for being so helpful. I've got some great ideas for Christmas, his birthday, and beyond if he remains fascinated by planes. Very helpful.
Someone also makes one of those “page-a-day” calendars with instructions for a new plane every day, typically with designs printed on them so the planes look cool after being folded.
My kids have had a few of these over the years and they're great. At 3-4yrs, they'll needs some help with instructions and folding, but it's still a great gift.
Maybe see if you have an aviation museum in your area. Some cool planes for the kid to see (or maybe even touch!) and also something for you to enjoy as well. Some also have gift shops as well which would probably be of interest to him.
I noticed when I fly a lot of airlines include models of the plane you're on in the in-flight purchase pamphlet. They're pretty simple, probably fine for a kid - on the off chance you're flying somewhere for the holidays.
A poster with pictures of airplanes, that you hang up on his playroom wall. And then you look at the planes together and name them every time you visit. That's awesome fun for a 3 year old.
Has the child flown on a commercial airline, yet? My son loved having a Southwest branded toy airplane - realistic looking one - after he had flown on that carrier. It let him relive his flight and expand on it in his imagination.
On theme though not literally an aeroplane; the parachuter toys, like little army men that have a parachute on them that you throw out of windows/down the stairs, they were always an absolutely favourite of mine.
Make sure to get the type with netting that connects the parachute to the person as opposed to strings as it can never tangle
This was the first thing i thought of. They also come as fireworks that will launch the little guy into the sky and pretty much always get him stuck in a tree. 9/10 would recommend
I don’t know if the Air & Space Museum has an online gift shop, but they have stuff for all ages. Even if you’re not close to the ones in DC, they have storage hangars all over that they open to the public. Keep an eye out for that.
Is there a minimum age to fly a lightweight aircraft? Seems like the lighter you go, the less restrictions. Maybe make a drone for him to fly in and you can control it, that has to be legal somewhere.