A wall with Canada? The idea came up during a Republican presidential debate, from a candidate insisting his party's border policies aren't tough enough.
Entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy brought it up unprompted on Wednesday night in Miami.
Bombing drug labs in Mexico has become an increasingly popular idea in his party, along with building a wall along the southern U.S. border.
But Ramaswamy said these policies don't go far enough. He lamented that the northern border does not get discussed as often as it should.
"I'm the only candidate on this stage, as far as I'm aware, who has actually visited the northern border," Ramaswamy said, on the tail end of remarks about border security.
As someone living on the mean streets of a border town with Canada, we used to walk over without even a passport and post-9/11 with passports the line has gotten hours long either way and it basically closed the border except for weekend trips.
My life would be better with a fully open border vs the current situation, can't imagine something more useless than a giant wall.
I want to know what genius Canadian politician promised their constituency a wall on the southern border and they'll make the U.S. pay for it. A political masterstroke.
We (Canada) do have an issue with US guns getting smuggled into Canada, but no wall (if that was even remotely possible to do, which it isn't) is going to help with that.
It seems like Vivek's strategy is to just be loud in these debates. Personality wise (ignoring policy) he seemed the worst of all those in the primary.
Sarah Palin changed politics forever. The half term Governor of Alaska showed that you could make money by being an angry idiot without ever winning a second election
My wife and I were curious about the pricing. So for context, after about 25 years the ISS cost 150bn, estimates say the border wall with Mexico would hit that price in about 5 years. Our border with Mexico is fucking nothing compared to Canada. They’ve got a river and desert to deal with. Up here we’ve got 5 giant lakes, two mountain groups (one of which isn’t terrible to cross, but is shit to build on), and once you’re past the Canadian Shield (also terrible to build on) you’ve got just so absolutely much wilderness. And you’ve gotta build a wall in Detroit