My dreams used to be much more vibrant and mysterious when I was A) younger and B) regularly used psychedelics. I would dream of blowing along with petals in the wind through Japanese landscapes, or huge Mayan temples looming out in the mist of ancient valleys. These days I most just dream about dumb shit.
I’ve yet to figure out why flying cars are a repeating element in my dreams of all things. They usually start stalling or something partway through, too.
I have had a dream multiple times that we own a bunch of animals in aquariums- fish, reptiles, etc. but hadn't fed or taken care of them in a very long time, but all the animals are still alive.
Our only pets are dogs. The last time I had an aquarium was 15 years ago and I took care of it.
I have the same kind of dream with pet rats and hamsters. I always forget to feed them ans the realization of their neglect is always horrifying and makes me super upset at myself. But they are always still alive.
I once had someone tell me abstract dreaming is linked to creativity. I think it had something to do with which side of your brain is dominant. I don't know if this is true.