"We didn't bomb the hospital, Hamas did. And even if we bombed the hospital, Hamas used it as a base. And even if they didn't, a some of them were in there. And even if they weren't, there were Hamas tunnels under the hospital."
They were enemy combatants because they were within bombing radius of an enemy combatant. That was the American logic in Iraq and Afghanistan in order to print more humane-looking civilian casualty numbers
Now that Israel is openly bombing hospitals I don't think it's unreasonable to assume they lied about the al-Shifa hospital. oop it was Al-Ahli hospital I can't keep all of these atrocities straight!
@PanArab@ira Hamas wasn't founded until THE 80s. Wtf do people think was happening for the first 40 years lmao 🤦 You literally can't blame everything on Hamas, they didn't even exist for half the time.
So they kill more than 4000 children? Would they have done the same if the kidnappers were anywhere else in the world? What makes killing over 10,000 civilians a fair trade?
The purpose of this war on Gaza is ethnic cleansing.
It's nuts to me how there was a recent poll showing Biden taking a hit in swing states, presumably because of the wide and unprecedented public support for Palestinian freedom, and how the reaction among some liberals is turning in to, "Biden's support for genocide is bad now because Trump could win again." Criticizing the US supporting the genocide, through the spectacle of partisan politics, turns in to, "this is how you get another Trump victory." Instead of vocalizing the disapproval, it's like "don't say anything because it could help Trump."
Cue some liberals telling us "tough shit, vote for Biden anyway"
You're right talking about it in a partisan lens is a huge problem. The government is meant to represent us, all we should need to do is make sure they know how we feel.
There have been plenty of Isreali politicians and military people openly saying they are punishing the people of Gaza and want to ethnically cleanse the place.
I genuinely don't care about Hamas anymore, they're symptoms of a greater evil, Israel is directly responsible for the radicalization of those people, because of the horrific conditions Palestinians are put in.
One side is right and the other is wrong… I suppose nobody considered this possibility and the answer was in front of us all this time. Looks like we found the key to fixing the Middle East. Well done!
Hmmm they go from one country to another trying to take over the government that let them in. Egypt, Jordan, Saudi wont let them in either... wonder who that can be ???? s/
However, Sanad’s investigation shows that this is simply the access hatch for a water reservoir that the hospital uses to fill therapeutic pools for amputees, water the grounds, and a reserve water source in case of emergency.
Sanad analysed satellite footage and archives of the hospital’s construction and spoke to one of the original engineers who built it.
It's pretty in depth.
However I have two problems with this logic.
Israel did not confirm the existence of tunnels at that location, which would have been an easy thing to do with a camera and 2 minutes.
This isn't exactly proof that those areas weren't repurposed for tunnels. Just that what Israel thought was a tunnel was not. Which is more of a problem of how the Israel military is assuming too much and bombing people in the process. While processing their assumptions like fact.
Their "proof" was a 3d render with tunnel systems throughout the entire hospital so no matter where they blew up, it was valid. They even had weapons on walls and red barrels so you know it was a bad guy base.
Where's the video of the IDF or Netanyahu going over a 3D rendering of a hospital to explain how the Hamas tunnels may be underneath key infrastructure buildings?
The propaganda coming out of the IDF justifying their next move is always so insanrly ridiculous. But I guess if there's now videos coming out of how and where these tunnels are, the IDF might find some more accuracy in their violence.
So they did an analysis of 1 hospital that had hamas fighters in the hospital launching rockets within 200ft of the premises... and found that the IDF was mistaken about a tunnel at 1 of their claims... even though there is video footage of tunnels at other hospital locations, this particular one is false so that takes away credence to all claims.
And these claims for the qatar hospital is being made by the qatar news network. ok gotcha