This was majestic, beautiful, mystical! Both the vocals and the instrumentals are ethereal, and the lyrics are inspiring, sweet and sour, all the right things.
The production remains interesting throughout. You can hear something weird nearly every second of every track, but it never gets boring or repetitive, it's just good production.
The seemingly ubiquitous vocal harmonizations really remind me of Aoba Ichiko. It's just an image I can't shake when listening to this. Normally, that'd be a great compliment, but I feel like it's not done very well actually, like a poor man's Ichiko...
As the track list progresses, it feels as if the album keeps winding down. It starts so strong, but by the time we get to Hopedrunk Everasking we've slowed to a halt.
How long can she stay floating in harmonic clouds? I'd argue not 45 minutes, gee. And yet, that's what she tries to do.
She picks it back up a little bit in Smoke, but too little too late.
The album never crosses the dreaded threshold from "interesting" to "bad" that so many alternative projects do. It manages to stay tolerable throughout. It starts incredible, but it loses steam.
If she'd cut it off at Track 5 this would've been a brilliant EP, but alas, it's a mediocre LP.
I checked this album out, and man that song "Sunset" has been stuck in my head for two days now. It absolutely slaps. Thanks for writing this up, I'm absolutely loving some of her music. Some feels yeah a little bland, but some of it is absolutely electric.