Hi guys weird question, I use lemmy's inbox RSS as a sort of pseudo push notification (currently using monito RSS discord bot polling at every 10 min).
I was considering dropping the poll rate to every 1-2 min. Out of curiosity is a rss poll rate of every 1-2 min acceptable or considered excessive.
Primary reason I was considering dropping the poll rate this low is to prevent a notification lag (ie when brosing lemmy via a 3rd party app after viewing and marking a message as read 10 min latter I get a inbox notification for the same message).
Can't really speak for "Standards" but the Mestionora Bot polls the jnc rss feeds once every minute as well.
From a code and networking perspective a fetch of an rss feed once a minute probably doesn't even show up in any monitoring tools
I actually ended up handling push notifications slightly differently.
I have a Mac Mini running 24/7 (primarily to relay iMessage to my Android)
I set up email rules to detecect the email and run an apple script that runs a shortcut which checks my Lemmy rss inbox and sends a push notification via ntfy. Works like a charm