My favorite analogy is: You don't have to choose what's for dinner, but you're going to be forced to eat whatever was chosen.
Ever since I was old enough, I've voted in every single election I was eligible for. I don't care what people say or how unlikely it was for my candidate to win, I would still get out and vote.
Extending the analogy- if you are forced to eat shit or shittier shit every dinner you'll fucking die, and you need to find a way to stop being force-fed shit every night.
To all the burn it down and rebuild leftists
(by protesting and not voting for the lesser of 2 evils) tell me how well that went for the Communists in Germany and Italy the last time mask off fascism rose to power there....
Edit: Not one of these "Self-righteous leftists" have addressed my question about what happened to leftists in Germany or Italy when fascist took power there. Its almost like they dont give a shit about the Prolitariat and would rather engage in purity politics rather than support the working class or marginalized communities. Absolutely pathetic astroturfing, or simply a complete disregard for the Materical Conditions on the ground in America.
Not voting for the lesser of two evils is the most childish shit. People like to bring up that Geralt quote, as if the situation in that story wasn't made a hell of a lot worse by his decision not to choose.
If you're not gonna vote blue all the way down, then you need to put your money where your mouth is and start burning it down so you can rebuild it. Otherwise you aren't protesting, you're just being lazy.
Maybe you should get your Facts right. The KPD only didnt participate in the 1919 election. In the last Reichstags eleciton in 1933 they got 12,3%. They where removed and procecuted after the Nazis blamed a Communist for the Reichstags fire.
idk much about Italy but they also got a few seats before Mussolini.
To your question about what happened to German Communists, they where either put into Prisons/KZs and killed there, flead to the Soviets or went to Spain to fight Facism there. idk about Italy but probalby the same.
Eyuppp the fascists killed them or ran them out of the country. The Prolitariat was never able to achieve the necessary class conciousness needed for a successful revolution and human history entered into one of its darkest and bloodiest chapters. Mask of fascism is bad for the Prolitariat and voting is the bare minimum of civic duty to prevent it from taking hold in a nation.
Not one of these “Self-righteous leftists” have addressed my question about what happened to leftists in Germany or Italy when fascist took power there.
Because your question implies that selfish concerns ought to outweigh principles...
I'm not saying that voting harder back then would have changed anything, but drawing a parallel between then and America today where mask of Fascism is very much on the ballot tomorrow and a year from now in the presidential election. Not voting to protect one's ideological purity is the height of privilege.
Your presidential elections are like the last step in the process. If you want to make real change, you need to start from the bottom up. You can't just say (not saying you do this) "oh shit there's a presidential election this year? And I dislike the Democrats candidate? Time to vote for a third party candidate to show them!"
It's kind of like baking a cake I guess. If you just jump in at the end and taste the cake, well you're stuck with what it is. "Oh I wish this was a chocolate cake instead of vanilla. I'm not going to eat this cake. I'm going to eat this other cake ", well you should have gotten involved earlier and who knows what's in that other cake, it could have those disgusting flavored jelly beans in it.
I agree, which is why I've been voting in local and primary elections since 2000. And it doesn't work because the system of government we have is shitty, old, and broken.
If you're someone who is living paycheck-to-paycheck, you're only voting for one party, because no matter who you elect the end result is still low wages and severely high cost of living.
Yep. We'll still have a shitty health care system, a shitty education system, a shitty transportation system, a shitty housing system, a shitty food system, a shitty economic system, and a shitty diplomatic system.
But goddamn do we have a lot of guns so we've got that going for us.
I find a lot of people arguing that one shouldn't vote because although easy, it is the least effective form of political engagement.
I'd argue that you should vote because it is the easiest form of political engagment and, if possible considering your material conditions, you should also try to participate in other forms of engagement.
Especially since those people refuse to actually provide an alternative form of political engagement besides vague references to a revolution, which has absolutely zero chance of coming out in the Prolitariat's favor in Americas current political climate, because there is nowhere near enough class conciousness for that to happen.
Yes, voting is the baseline. It's the least you can do.
I'm sure that there are anarchists out there who refuse to vote out of principle, but they still do activist work such as participating in mutual aid groups and so on. They're wrong, but at least they're still helping society in some way. I think the vast majority of people who don't vote are just lazy, though.
And then there's the marxist-leninists who saw the government ban black people and women from voting, see the Republicans trying to make it harder for black people to vote, and then said "when minorities vote it helps fascists", because they're clowns.
I consider voting to be the minimum buy-in to ask something of your representative. You may not get that thing, especially if your ask is far outside the mainstream. That's part of a democracy. The next part of democracy is protecting its status as a liberal democracy, where the people's freedoms are protected from the government so there is remove for improvement.
I live in Oregon, which has had all-mail elections since the 1990's. It's so great being able to sit down with my husband, some endorsements, the voter's guide, and a computer to make my decision. So much better than scratching my head over half the ballot (well at least the title sounds good) and voting straight for the other half (vote blue no matter who).
On one hand, I wish I could do that in my country. On the other hand, voting already takes me less than 10 minutes including "commute" (walking down a single block), so it'd probably be a bigger hassle.
Liberals, please acknowledge that if there is a possibility every election that fascism will win, fascism will eventually win unless you take political action outside of electoralism
This is why it's important to build strong democratic institutions to resist fascism, populism, and the like. They won't last forever, but they can take a few election cycles of abuse. Part of the problem with many countries that have truly fallen to fascism or fascist-like movements is that they started out with weak or non-existent institutions. Contrast that with the US, where even the election of Donald Trump of the "Lock Her Up" slogan (very fascist) got basically nowhere with both prosecuting Hillary Clinton and overturning the 2020 election.
The system is designed to have two parties. With fptp voting you encourage a system of two parties that agree on most things because you're not allowed to have a party with nuance as that will be a wasted vote and simply allow your most disliked candidate to win by splitting the vote.
I think cause and effect are mixed here. Americans having to pick between two shitty right wing parties is the reason why one would feel like every election is the most important election. The fact that they're so much alike is the biggest reason why they create as much dissent as possible.
Back in the 1970s, The Moral Majority took over the GOP by voting. They would show up at every local GOP club at every event. If 20 people had shown up the last time they picked the new dog catcher, the MMs would show up with fifty people. They didn't have a lot of money or connections yet, but they had people showing up all the time. Need someone to pass out petitions? MMs were there. Drive folks to the polls? Meanwhile, the Dems had counted on the Unions to do those jobs. That's why the GOP hated the Unions and did everything to dismantle them.
I don't think so. In Michigan, for example, seven parties have auotmatic ballot access for the general election. Often people will say the would prefer one of the so-called third party candidates, but they just cant' vote for them this year because the greater of two evils is so incredibly evil but next year will be different.
Lmao where did I demand people vote? I asked what the dude calling me out was doing irl besides being an internet sjw, while fully acknowledging that I very much am an internet sjw. Dude couldn't give me one answer and called me going to multiple ceasefire protest in D.C. as being a performative action, like no shit, thats what protesting is, showing your disdain for what your country is doing with my physical presence. Y'all are so fucking dumb.