Millennial and Gen Z employees are rejecting assignments, turning down offers, and seeking purpose. Here's what they expect of their employers, according to Deloitte’s latest survey
I don't even think that actually touches on the point here. People want purpose, meaningful purpose out of the thing they spend most of their lives on. Unionizing isn't going to give you job satisfaction if you're a data entry operator unless that's something you find fulfilling.
I work in IT and used to be passionate about computers and the internet but now I want to do something else and get away from the grind of IT work, where nothing is ever completed or provides a sense of accomplishment. There's no meaningful purpose in it for my life other than a paycheck.
Unionizing might help with getting better pay for work but in terms of actual purpose, fulfillment and job satisfaction unions are as useful as advocating for a car club when I'm changing my oil. Completely unnecessary and unrelated and doesn't address the goal at hand.
This is something that's an individual pursuit beyond days off and pay.
Transitioning to a system where companies are owned by the workers would help, but ultimately I think this is just a natural consequence of industiral society. We get modern medicine and air conditioning, and in exchange we give up our ability to self-actualize through our work.
I agree with what you’re saying, except I think it touches on that unionizing is the path to being able to say no to additional work (with impunity) and get the most fulfillment from your craft. To feel the familial support of the people you spend 1/3rd of your life around. Your well-being is all tied together. Purpose might not be the right word for it. It was just the word that came to mind. I think it is the right path for most workers.
To defend the rights of your colleagues and your class is a purpose per se (but in the US unions work differently than in my country so I may be missing the point).
I stopped reading at the phrase "purpose and people officer". I suffered from toxic levels of corporate bullshit when I was younger and I have a strong averse reaction to it now. Someone is getting paid six figures to have a bullshit title like that and it is ABSOLUTELY proof of what is wrong with the corporate class.
Hi! I’m Linda, an AI representative from your HR department!
I heard you’re unhappy with your organization’s new Subject Matter Office for Lifestyle, People and Purpose, or SMOLPP.
It’s natural to be afraid of something new like your SMOLPP, but companies big and small across the planet are happy with their SMOLPP! I’ll send you some world class research material from Deloitte (your organization’s SMOLPP innovation partner, and industry leader) for you to read later!
I’m happy to listen to your comments and concern, or answer any questions you might have about your SMOLPP!
Without naming the firm, I'm a refugee from public accounting.
Back when I was a staff accountant, and we were all making roughly $60k a year, they brought us all into a meeting in the middle of busy season to discuss work/life balance and mental health.
The solution they offered?
Simply hire a full-time live in housekeeper who does laundry and cooks!
Probably, but the article is not wrong, these are huge factors that drive my decisions, and I have flat out told employers in interviews that I take issues with aspect of how companies run. Im sure some roll their eyes, but honestly I dont care, im not going to devalue myself or my ethics just to make them more money.
Ditto. I know someone who actively shudders when they hear the name. He repeatedly thanks me from saving him from what he said was actively destroying his soul.
Deloitte staff don’t act totally dead inside (from my experience). EY staff, though, act like they’ve looked inside the abyss and it stared right back at them. That place must be one soulless meat grinder of a business factory.
I have activity not applied for jobs in health insurance since I know my job would be to find the best way for the company to make money. Which I knew would be fine the best method to reject claims.
I'm working for a job now that works makes medicine for pets. I activity did consider how "evil" the company was while looking. I know with corporate life there's a little evil but trying to minimize it
But have you considered how much Return on Investment you can provide shareholders by denying people life at the click of a finger? /S
Honestly, I applaud you: more people should deny these morally bankrupt jobs. But it's sad because some don't have the choice because pressures put on them by our shared reality. This system shakes our humanity, and in turn makes people numb to denying others humanity.
are people really looking for this level of purpose in their jobs? my job is so i can pay for the things i actually want to do. if the things i wanted to do were free i wouldn't be working.
That doesn't prevent your work from having meaning. Over the years I've had the full range, from purely physical mindless labor to earn a paycheck, to projects that meant so much to me I once responded to a salary requirement with "Hell I'd basically do this for a ham sandwhich".
It took a lot of effort, time, training, and sheer stubbornness on my part, but here I am in middle age, having finally found a work life balance that is just about perfect.
The work I do is interesting, challenging, unique, and has benifit for the entire company and more importantly, my fellow employees.
I could make more by taking different job, but the added stress, hours, and lack of meaning to me doesn't make it worth it.
I could find a more fulfilling job, but likely at a pay cut that would lower my standard of living too much.
The important part to me is, I look forward to my work. I'll work in the evening or on weekends a bit just because I've thought up a solution and the problem solving is fun for me.
Even when I have to do the shit parts of my job, it never wears on me since it's part of a greater whole. While making money is obviously important, and a big part of why I have a job at all, just making money can't be all of it.
Getting home at the end of the day from backbreaking labor, doing work that feels shady, takes advantage of people, or supports an industry that I don't agree with, leaves me feeling a sense of dread about going back the next day. I can't enjoy the time that is mine as much when I know I have to go back to that tomorrow.
As with all things this can be taken to extremes, but I think it's great that young people care about the wider implications of their work, and the value it brings to them.
This can only lead to better working environments, and hopefully, more ethically minded buisnesses.
This completely makes sense. People should reject assignments if they are unethical! It's almost like the young generation is doing the right thing. The horror!
I think the ideology of diversity, equity, and inclusion is progressive nonsense, but I agree with pretty much everything else. I don't care what your race or gender is. I care that you're the most qualified for the job. A black, gay doctor can do my prostate exam - I don't care at all - I just want them to be good at their job.
DEI is just racial discrimination in reverse. We discriminate against white people as a group to help minorities. The problem is that loads of white people need help just as much as minorities. Saying that minorities need it more because other white people have been successful in the past is still you racially discriminating against a new prospective student/employee because they happen to share the same race as those previous people. It has nothing to do with that person's level of need versus a minority individual's level of need.
I cannot think like a black man or woman, I cannot experience discrimination and hate directed at LGBTQ+ people, I will never understand what it feels like to be a woman sitting in a room with multiple male managers doing a performance review.
While I agree best person for the job, these perspectives I cannot possible put myself into are part of that best person. So maybe they cant screw a nut as fast, they can help me understand why we need to do it this way from their perspective, which is a perspective I dont have without them.
I think you have an issue of theory vs action. In theory, I can understand why some people view DEI or even affirmative action as "racism in reverse" but we live in the real world. The action of these policies make a more just world. A less racist world. I know it may sound counter intuitive, but so is the tolerance of the intolerant.
One thing I should add here is that there’s often no one person who’s “best for the job”. Different people have different strengths in ways that often don’t directly compare. The idea that we can stack-rank candidates of similar knowledge and experience is misguided at best.