As a non technical user that has switched to Ubuntu from Windows, Linux is light years ahead. Any os without a decent package manager like apt or flatpak is unusable for me and that's without mentioning the ads...
Linyx because it doent get in my way unlike windows, and because I like FOSS. Arch linux in particular, but anything is better than windows or macos. (well, not chromeOS)
My desktop runs Windows 11 since I game and use an Nvidia GPU. I also end up having to re-install my OS a bunch if I use Linux on a daily-driver.
Two of my laptops run Ubuntu for greater compatibility with server software I have installed on them (I use them solely for server shit), and one runs Mint. The Mint one is mainly just used to Parsec into my desktop from bed.
The meme used to be that Linux's sleep is broken but now MS Windows has broken sleep. This also happens on my older thinkpad, which is also super sloe with Windows, but fast with Linux (just works™).
It's just clean and simple. I've never had a problem with reinstalling things, so I love the idea of a bare-bones operating system where I can install what I need and nothing else. I swapped to Manjaro for a while because my last attempt at arch became unstable, but I've got a good 8 or so years of Linux under my belt now. I feel much more comfortable maintaining rolling release. Also the AUR is unmatched. I'm spoiled by it.
I switched to it 50% for the AUR: I regularly install softwares not from the classic repos, and the AUR is a godsend compared to cloning a Github, make install and thinking about updating it.
The rest is a mix of the ArchWiki, its lightness and openness.
Fedora! Have been super not a fan of Windows for years now so I avoid it hardcore when I can.
Linux in general is a lot easier to set up programming environments on, and also just generally it's a lot more flexible when it comes to customization, which is definitely important when you're a big picky removedbaby like I am.
Fedora specifically I like because there's something I just really like about RHEL-related distros (to the point that i use Rocky Linux on my server also). They feel really polished and dnf is probably my favourite package manager of all the ones I've tried so far. I do have a few issues with it, and I miss having access to the AUR when I used various Arch-baseds over the years, but all in all I'm very happy with it and I don't see myself switching distros for desktop use any time soon.
I'm still using Windows 10 on my personal computer. Oh I'll probably have to upgrade someday, some game or other program will come out with exclusivity of some kind and I'll eventually install Windows 11. But for the most part, I don't want to fuck with it, everything works and I really just don't want the hassle.
Running Linux Mint on an old laptop, mostly because it's too old to decently run Windows 10. Don't use it for much, mostly troubleshooting things.
At work the laptops are Windows 10 and I don't think there's a push to update. Of course all the servers are Redhat Enterprise Linux, and that's where the majority of my work takes place.
M2 Macbook Air for personal use and my freelance work and an AMD Ryzen 5600 with a Radeon 6700 XT with Ubuntu for ML/AI hobby work and Windows 11 for some minor gaming here and there.