Cities: Skylines 2 devs are investigating faster patches and a fix for the 'huge' packs of abandoned feral dogs
Cities: Skylines 2 devs are investigating faster patches and a fix for the 'huge' packs of abandoned feral dogs Cities: Skylines 2 devs are investigating faster patches and a fix for the 'huge' packs of abandoned feral dogs
Don't fix what ain't broke, I say.
Don't fix what ain't broke, I say.
Car Packs of feral dogs seems like an unintentional gameplay feature, like nuke-happy Ghandi in Civ. They should really lean into it and offer some sort of science-based feral dog MMO
0 0 Replykaiomai nuke-happy Ghandi in Civ
I get your point here, but that is a myth.
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