I’ve exhausted things I can sleep to on Netflix, and it’s literally impossible to sleep to things on Prime (so I barely watch anything there; it’s not worth falling asleep to something I like, since I might be punished for it), so I’ve started putting on YouTube in the evenings since it won’t wake me with silence at 4am.
I’ve a few voices I love listening to, but I’d like even more.
Which YouTubers do you recommend who:
Have smooth, hypnotic voices,
have content that won’t give me uncomfortable dreams (I’m a very visual, realistic, and impressionable dreamer), and
have channels I’ll want to listen to when awake? (eta I like sciences and news mostly, a bit of fiction (scifi, horror, nf), gaming, other nerdy things, but never romance, pop culture , or reality tv).
I love Technology Connections. Something about his voice, the old tech he covers, and the well informed delivery is really good. Sometimes he luls me.
PBS Space Time is also really fucking good because I don’t really understand much of it as someone with a background in healthcare and not astrophysics/physics, and as soon as my ADHD drifts off his voice hits me on the side of my head and puts me in the fetal position.
If Technology Connections is up your alley check out LGR if you haven't. He has a very smooth voice, talks mostly about 90's and early 2000's computer nostalgia, with smooth jazz in the background. We fall asleep watching him regularly as it's just a calm, chill time.
Technology Connections is awesome. He's the one who got me to understand how old CRT televisions could put a picture on a radio signal that could be picked up by both color and B&W TV's.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned VaatiVidya yet. His voice is so calm and relaxing, he's a fantastic narrator. His content is mainly lore about FromSoftware games like Dark Souls and Elden Ring.
T90 Official plays age of empires games very soothing voice
Agadmator plays chess videos very rhythmic voice
3blue1brown maths videos, even if you hate math he has a voice that is so calm
Real Civil Engineer plays indie or building games is a bit weird, 90% he is nice but sometimes he gets excited and I've been woken from my sleep, but still good as I fall back right after
Kurtzgezat science videos with great narration (may hurt your dreams tho)
Nicole Coenen woodcutting videos great voice great pace only downside very few videos in total so you burn through her videos quite fast.
Technology Connections, great videos about obscure day to day tech mazing voice
Primitive technology, no words a lot of nature sounds of him building stuff without technology
I would add Applied Science and NileRed (who does chemistry experiments) as possibilities if OP likes their voices. Their content is very methodical and uniform. My cat likes their videos, which seems like a pretty good metric for this use case.
I also love vihart, who does math videos, but her stuff is a little more varied, including some music, so OP might want to evaluate her during the day before trusting her channel for sleep.
Jeremy Fielding has a great voice if you want videos about engineering and how to salvage motors out of washing machines and treadmills.
I'll consult my subscription list and add more if I find any.
Edited to add:
Carl Bugeja (electronics)
CGP Grey (mostly history)
DIY Perks (various projects)
Henry Segerman (math art)
OskarPuzzle (designs for 3d printed puzzles)
Razbuten (video games)
Sabine Hossenfelder (physics)
Stand-up Maths (math)
Steve Mould (explanations of unusual everyday things, I guess? kinda hard to summarize)
Technology Connections (as others have mentioned)
Tim Hunkin (makes weird mechanical art and explains machines)
Tom Scott (videos about unusual places and bits of history)
Two Minute Papers (advances in AI and computer graphics)
Edited again to add: Breaking Taps. This one is mostly microscopic fabrication stuff, so, various kinds of microscopes, vapor deposition, etching, etc.
I miss old NL before he was always interacting with twitch chat. I get why he made the move, and I like a lot of his newer content, but I feel like he was funnier when he was just bullshitting to himself
Exactly my sentiments! I don't really enjoy the twitch culture. Recent streams are all about commenters making snarky comments and NL trying to outsmart them I feel like. I still enjoy his unprompted insane takes a lot though.
Pete Complete, in particular his RimWorld series. His voice, relaxed tone and slow pacing with a lot of pause in his speech puts me to sleep even when I'm not trying to.
Absolutely my choice as well. In addition to being all the things that OP has asked for, he's also a phenomenal player and his dedication to highly precise play is insane.
My wife and I have been through all of his Rimworld series, and watch it as we would a TV show when a new episode drops. We just got done watching biotech episode 5!
My big two are long form chemistry videos (codyslab, nilered) and old archived hours of the first version of the AI show Nothing Forever. Very easy listening IMO and should hit most of your bases. Maybe also look for podcasts on a topic you like, those can be hours long
Here are some I enjoy. All have a good voice, not overly expressively and no sudden change in background tracks. No sudden screaming/explosions/anything that will wake you.
John Michael Godier Science/Speculative Scifi, Low Soothing voice, even has a sleep playlist.
Issac Arthur Sci-Fi, Calm voice, Good background track, Long Videos
Forgotten Weapons Firearms, Historical and Mechanical overviews and indepth discussions. I recommend you skip the shooting range stuff if you're trying to sleep.
ASMR sounds of natural things okay, ASMR talking sounds creepy to me no matter the topic, the moment I feel sleepy I get this feeling that they are sweet talking me and will kidnap me to sell my kidney when I fall asleep.
XD. I do get relaxed with them, but to be sincere, there have been a few times when I've woken up while listening to one of those and my half-asleep ass, not understanding a dingle word (even though it was english), felt like I was in the middle of an alien abduction.
This is their new channel that they started just a short while ago.
It's really good long form fomat. You don't have to watch anything and just listen. It's long enough for me to fall asleep and not hear the whole video so next night I just go close enough to the end of what I heard/remember I heard and just continue listening. I don't mind relistening at all - I always miss something so I always learn something new.
Edit: the awesome thing is that these videos are told basically like a story. The narrator's voice is calming, there are no loud noises or anything. He really tells it like a good night story.
I find the Universe one the best one for me. The one for Humankind or Earth can be unsettling sometimes (mostly the intros in my experience) but I don't have problems with uncomfortable dreams really so I don't mind. But from my experience if there's something that could give you a bad dream it's only in the into.
If I'm really not ready to sleepy, I find the content interesting. If I am ready to sleep but my brain won't shut down then I ignore the words and I find the voices very soothing and relaxing.
I'll add The Exploring Series as well, they have more long form videos and cover other subjects as well as SCP content. Both have great voices and I've fallen asleep to both before.
I should mention audiobooks. I love listening to audiobooks, and sleeping to them is also great. There's some excellent works out there, especially voice work by Steven Fry, that's just magic to listen to.
It might be because it's a new story. Try listening to a story you've already heard before.
I find when I go to sleep with audiobooks, it feels like I'm awake for hours. But the next day when I try to pick up where I left off on the audiobook, I'm usually 5 to 10 minutes in. But it felt like hours.
If you like video games, try a search for a video game of choice and add the words "role play".
I was playing a lot of Kenshi and I found some YouTubers who make long playthroughs of games. Specifically I enjoyed Rycon Roleplays Kenshi which was something like 80 videos and each about an hr long. It would put me to sleep.
Noah Caldwell-Gervais is my go-to for just relaxing audio. He does very in depth coverage of game franchises talking about how they evolved and the ways the mechanics support the narrative or run counter to it. Very chill and hypnotizing voice
Madseasonshow. I found him when World of Warcraft Classic launched a handful of years ago. Thinking about it, he and Joe Pera have a very similar speech style.
Lemmino hits 1 and 3, and sometimes 2 (some of his videos are about dark topics, some are more fun or wonderous). His voice is very nice to listen to. Smooth, low, and a relatively thick, but perfectly understandable Danish accent.
To boot, he's one of the best goddamned researchers I've ever seen. For example, he did a documentary on Jack the Ripper. Instead of just going over the same beats everyone else does, this madlad poured over dozens of police reports, newspaper clippings, and eyewitness accounts from the time of the events, (more than 150 years old), and then compared those to more contemporary research to make a more complete study. He somehow put all of this together into the most cohesive description of the events I've ever seen, all with detailed and accurate CGI visuals (nothing graphic, just to show locations and timelines and such).
Really, really dedicated guy with a huge amount of integrity in his work, lots of creative flair, and no annoying biases or wild assumptions.
Probably NileRed if he isnt handling explosives...
Some vTubers from Hololive have awesome voices and the live stream content isnt packed with interesting content
Definitely NileRed for me. Started watching his video about bulletproof wood yesterday and fell asleep after around 17 minutes. It's something about his voice and presentation that makes it really relaxing for me.
My wife puts on RyconRoleplays or ChristopherOdd in the background sometimes when she’s having trouble sleeping. Rycon might have the voice you’re looking for; Odd’s narration depends on the game he’s playing, he likes to set the mood in more atmospheric games, and he reads out every bit of lore.
Clarkesworld is a sci-fi magazine with free audio versions on their site, plus on Spotify as a podcast. I’d recommend “The very Pulse of the Machine” personally as an intro. It was adapted into a great episode of “Love, Death + Robots”.
Same, I was going to mention this one if no one had already. Except the outro music, at least a while back, is so much louder and would wake me up again.
Gopher, I found his channel learning how to mod various Bethesda games over 10 years ago but he has let's plays for various games that are great and put me to sleep when I'm tired
I like ! He's a Dutch fella that does videos of him playing Doom levels with live commentary, all done in single takes with no saves. He also does Doom analysis videos, which are fantastic deep dives into the code and mechanics of the old Doom games, but I love his play throughs as sleep aid since he keeps the game volume low and has this low, soothingly calm voice and laid back quality.
Purge (https://youtube.com/@PurgeGamers) is pretty good. He typically posts full, un-cut dota games, and is lower energy throughout. There's not big volume or tone changes, and they're long enough that you should always be able to fall asleep during them.
For gaming I'd go with 'Midnight Snap' long let's plays designed for being on while you sleep. No shouting, no loud laughs or anything, just chill rambling
I like brutal moose, he has had a whole slew of different content through the years from video games, cooking and shopping outings that are all funny, meanwhile his second channel moose2 has streams that are calm and great to sleep too.
Real calm voice, jazz in the background usually, still entertaining. Just don't put on any point and click adventure games to go to sleep because all the noises will be clicked repeatedly lol.
Northernlion -- He plays video games, but his banter is very easy-going. I especially like his older videos where it's just him (not reacting to chat while streaming) rolling with his stream of consciousness while he plays the game and talks about it and life in general.