I don't think they'll ever manage to top the Yoshi's Island track from the last wave. That was one of the coolest MK tracks ever. The music and visuals were amazing. Looking forward to this wave anyways though.
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Wave 5 Tracks are out!... In 6 days. Why phrase the title as if they're out right now? Anyway I'm looking forward to these tracks. And I'm happy to see the returning characters. I wonder what the final wave has in store.
Edit: looks like the title was edited just after I commented. I'm still not used to the ability to edit titles here.
I'm increasingly disappointed by the tracks that don't look or feel at least a little bit like a race track. That includes the Tour tracks, but also things like Squeaky Clean Sprint. They're really cute and fun to look at, but it's gotten increasingly difficult to tell what is track and what is not.
@Kichae@nintendo I hate the real curbs in the newer cups courses. Either use a racing curb, wall it off, or let us journey off course, even if that means a pit of death.
Strange they didn't show more of these in the direct if it was coming this soon after but ah well it's here now.
The visuals on the crowds in the background of the tour tracks does not look good, I know the visuals have been hit and miss for these tracks, but those are just flat out bad.
I got the NSO Expansion pack recently, but haven't tried the Mario Kart since, don't want to remove the TotK cartridge. Will give it a try soon though.
Mario Kart is the gift that keeps on giving! I wonder where they can take the series from here. It's like Smash after Ultimate, I can't imagine what they'll do for the next title in the series, but I'm ready to be surprised 👍
At this point, I feel like they need to triple down on the guest characters and tracks. Tracks bases on Zelda, F-Zero, Excitebike and Animal Crossing in this game prove that it works and they're certainly more interesting than "Beach Track #12". Not to mention the roster being able to replace some of its nonsensical characters with actual ones.
Does the purchase of the one booster pack get access to this too, or is this an additional $25? Not doing that silly online plus for half baked emulators.
I like* how the houses in Athens look like toy blocks. There's a joke to be made here about the Greek economy.
Not sure how I feel about the inclusion of Moonview Highway, though. The Booster Course Pass already has a great many city tracks thanks to all the ones ported from Tour, and Moonview, as a traffic course at night, feels like it fits into the same kind of aesthetic and functional theming that N64 Toad's Turnpike from the base game does. The music might end up carrying my opinion on the track, though, like how 3DS Alpine Pass' does.
I'm not sure if this is the first time I'm noticing it, or if it's actually the first time period, but I noticed they finally put anti gravity on these new tracks with Coopa Cape.