kyle1320 Maybe it's natural selection 🤔 everyone who could do it was just like 👍 yep I'm good 👍 and never had any kids.
27 1 Replykofe I've heard it's more akin to sucking the dick rather than having the dick sucked from people that could. Makes sense why that wouldn't be the most desirable experience to pass on. Not to mention getting to that size hurts most of us on the receiving end when it comes to makin the babies
ETA: I swear I'd heard that before reading the comments literally right below yours
2 0 Replyaidan I can confirm it is, also you don't need to be insanely big to do it if you're relatively thin and flexible.
1 0 Reply
aidan Except there are a lot of people who can do it
1 0 Reply
Would sucking your own dick be more like getting your dick sucked or more like sucking on some dude's dick?
Going to chalk this one up as a possible blessing in disguise with little (no) testing or research on my own.
15 1 ReplyPregnenolone It’s definitely more like sucking dick with an overly stretched out back.
8 0 ReplyTheFriendlyDickhead Depends if you cum in your own mouth or not. If you do defenetly more like sucking
4 0 ReplyHotdogman Like, you give yourself a handy, right?
4 0 ReplySelmafudd Yeah but I don't jizz in the other hand and slam it down my throat
2 0 Reply
More like sucking a dick.
2 0 Reply
bitwaba Sucking your own dick is more like sucking dick and less like getting your dick sucked.
-- Chinese proverb.... probably
11 0 ReplySkyeStarfall Yes, and? Sucking dick is great
4 0 Replybitwaba Boner appetit
2 0 Reply
XTornado He did a compromise and allowed us to suck somebody else dick.
7 0 ReplyCap There are two types of men in this world. Those who have tried to suck their own dick, and liars.
6 0 ReplyMatch!!
Jesus loves me :3
4 1 ReplyCountess425
You can suck your own dick; it's medically possible, and it's not illegal!
3 0 ReplyFartsWithAnAccent
I can (or at least I could, haven't tried in years).
It's not that great.
3 0 Replyaidan I think some on here would argue God doesn't favor me
2 0 Replyad0c Btw there's a really cool song about it: I Drink My Coffee Alone — Adam's Alltag (Bandcamp)
2 0 ReplyiHUNTcriminals So this means people who can suck their own dick are God's favorite?
Doesn't surprise me haha.
2 1 Replygeekworking 1 1 Reply