An Israeli news report claims that the Netanyahu government has offered a raft of proposals to entice Egypt to open its doors to two million displaced Palestinians, despite Cairo's rejection
An Israeli news report claims that the Netanyahu government has offered a raft of proposals to entice Egypt to open its doors to two million displaced Palestinians, despite Cairo's rejection
Prime Minister Moustafa Madbouly has, meanwhile, sought to reassure investors about the state's finances. "I affirm that the Egyptian state has not failed and will not fail to pay any of its international obligations," he said in April.
Amid a foreign currency crunch, Egypt has drawn down net foreign assets in the banking system by more than $40 billion in two years, partly used to prop up the pound.
This way it allows for Egypt to build it's economy towards something different, at the expense of basically having to feed, dress, house, and police, 2 million people who are going to be hellbent on getting back at the people who harmed them.
On that topic, how does Israel have the power to write off debt?
House Republicans unveiled a $14.3 billion aid package for Israel on Monday
Oh..... right.... we're helping pay for it.... o_o
And all this money is by cutting funding to the IRS, so that the initiative to look into millionaires and billionaires cheating on taxes to the tune of hundreds of billions a year is dead. And also by completely cutting funding to Ukraine so that Putin, the biggest benefactor of the NRA, and thereby a huge benefactor to the GOP has some respite and can achieve some goals in his own effort to erase a people from nationhood. It's a win-win for in the crooked Republican strategy if it ever passes.
Never a missed opportunity to push people off "their" land. On to justice proud Israel marches on the corpses of 33 hundred children (it's ok, they were all either Hamas members or would be some day).
Israel was established as a Jewish ethnostate. Accepting any Muslims, Christians, or secular people into its land would make this ethnostate weaker. It's that simple.
Hmmm. I guess I'm stretching the definition of selling but buying isn't correct either because they don't want more Gazan refugees they want less. Typically when you want less you either sell, give or trash till the desired amount is reached. Can you buy in order to get less? Does the word work that way? Really I guess "giving away with extra incentive" would be more technically correct. Doesn't really sell how shitty Israel is or what they are doing but would be a more correct statement.