Global temperatures remain consistent with climate model projections
Global temperatures remain consistent with climate model projections
Here we update the comparison of climate models and observations through October 2023
Global temperatures remain consistent with climate model projections
Here we update the comparison of climate models and observations through October 2023
Ok the climate model is still accurate, that's nice.
Sounds like that means we're still on track for making the earth uninhabitable?
We're in a funny place right now; we bent the 2nd derivative on emissions, but aren't yet moving fast enough to stabilize temperatures in the range where we're assured that civilization can survive.
For those that don't understand calculus. Bending the 2nd derivative means we have slowed the rate of increase of emissions, but they are still increasing by more each year.
Outside the this year's peak hitting the top band, the last few look to be trending under the model average, while in the early 2000s it was trending above the model average.
Won't mean much on the small scale, but maybe we can be hopeful that we'll see observations starting to trend towards flatling.
Ah, forget it. We are using more and more resources, not less.
The multi year under average trend is most likely the result of positive changes, but as shown it wasn't enough to get us out of the overall trend. If nothing else it might show that actions are working, and that we need to really ramp them up.
Cue the "Are you being served?" theme song.