"Incel-isation of the modern GOP"? OK, apart from the point that "modern" and "GOP" don't really go together, this just means no sane female member of the human race wants to touch a Republican even with a 10-foot pole?
He is closeted gay man his homophoiba screams it. Democrats should kick him out of office next year. We need Democrats to take a super majority in both chambers.
This is how mass shootings are going to increase in frequency. As soon as they wise up in their tactics and stop going after innocent school children I wonder what they'll do about it.
Even the type of mentally removed subhuman trash that kills random people will figure out the corrupt government is fucking them over sooner or later.
It’s crazy that House Republicans only sank Jim Jordan’s Speakership candidacy because he and his proxies were mean to them. Once they were offered a bland nobody with even more extreme beliefs they elected him unanimously.
Calling them fervent misogynists would be much more accurate, because unfortunately, these hateful hypocrites are anything but "involuntarily celibate" behind closed doors.
If he really wants to go down this route, then perhaps he should call out Nick Fuentes over his desire to have a child bride first. Both shithead monsters can fuck off and die.
If I'm going to Hell, then I am sure as shit seeing these two assholes there. And I'm looking forward to accompanying them while we burn. Seriously, fuck them both.
A reporter needs to ask him about his stance on pornography being banned and whether he's considering crafting legislation to that effect. His first answer will be wildly unpopular, and if his second is anything but a complete denial, that story will explode.
You are 100% correct, but multiple unconstitutional "think of the children" style laws have already been passed in several states. The status quo of pornography being protected speech is only a result of multiple litigations on behalf of the ACLU over the years. The reality is unconstitutional laws will keep being passed, and challenging them takes a lot of time and money, without any guarantee of success.
As for why these people find someone who will marry them? They covet power just like their spouses. These psychopaths chase power and money. It's all they care about. They will kill you and me if it means they get more, and they won't lose any sleep over it.
Super common thing I'm seeing recently among cons, complete dismissal of any article not from the right sources. You see how this makes you much easier to manipulate right? Read everything.
Read everything, but the moment it's a commentary piece or there's extremely unchecked bias, give it a toss and don't recommend it to others you want to convince.
We don't need fluff pieces, or people like this author claiming the speaker was making sex jokes about the "weeks on her knees" comment (still weird she wasn't there, but it definitely didn't sound sexual) when we have all the evidence and spin on those stories needed with the direct context.
If somebody posted OAN news, I'd say it's trash and you shouldn't get your news from there, Salon isn't as bad but its definitely not good journalism.
However, in a sea of character flaws, the best the author can come up with is "incel energy" it's a severe lack of talent on the author's part. That speaks to the quality of Salon's "writing."