Shani Louk, who was kidnapped from the Nova music festival during Hamas' October 7 terrorist attacks, has been confirmed dead, according to Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
We have all seen the video of her broken body being paraded through Gaza and the people spitting on her. Hamas did that and they brought death and destruction to Gaza.
so the past 50 years of the gaza strip being bombed by israel have not brought death and desctruction to gaza? that's ignoring the constant blockades and other restrictions israel put on gaza as well.
lets not forget the blockade by egypt too, even jordan at one point wanted to kick out and backtrack citizenship for all descendants of palestinian refugees
I mean after what happened it's going to turn a lot of people dark. No different than in the states after 9/11. I legit know people that signed up just to "kill some sand you know what's to get pay back". That's fucked up yes. And wrong. But hardly unexpected just like I expect citizens of Gaza to enmase celebrate the death of Jews now.
I'm very saddened to hear about the death of this young woman. I'm also sad to hear about deaths of many, many Palestinians. I do not think it's coincidence that Hamas decides to launch a major offensive in the midst of talks with between Saudi Arabia and Israel to normalize relations between the two after many years of relative peace. We can't have peace in the Middle East because it doesn't serve the ends to the major regional powers.
Both sides in this conflict are used as pawns for the political ends of others. Innocent people are those that get caught in the midst of it all. Hamas didn't do this without a green light so as much vitriol being spilled in this thread we have to take a step back. These fights have been brewing and going on for generations. If you take the short term view much of the strife we see today is the fallout from WWII and that is used as leverage by other nefarious parties.
It's not the Israeli people's fault they do not have a home.
It's not the Palestinian people's fault they do not have a home.
Some of the comments in this thread are sickening, hateful, narrow, and short-sighted.
Palestinians weren't citizens of a nation and than got invaded by Zionist Jews someday.
Israel, Gaza and Westbank (now called Palestine) were created in that area which was called Transjordan at the time. And Israelis and Palestinians come from a similar group of people who has ancestors in the area.
The influx of Jews to the area was a result of World War 2 and the exile of Jews in some of the surrounding countries.
You are seen as a "Palestine refugee" btw, when your father was a Palestine refugee. It's not exactly a citizenship.
more tragic than this mother wearing her baby in her arms smashed by a - supposed - legal entity.
can you point to the specific sentence where they even implied this, or are you actually just throwing a tantrum because someone said 'man getting your daughter tortured and murdered must suck'
Take a breath. This is a human life that ended. Have respect and don't diminish the loss. One day you will die too, and you would want people to treat your passing with respect and honor, not a talking point.
There are thousands of other threads you can hash out the unfairness of apartheid, and the realities of struggle, this isn't the right place for that.
Did they find the body to confirm the beheading. or is this the same story as the 40 beheaded babies propagandized by mass media.
Why the mess if one bullet could do a cleaner job. I don't think they have a fetish for beheading despite all other cruelties they can be capable of.
Edit: for those who are asking why I am talking about beheading rumors because NBC Titled its video with "Beheading" and refer to Israel's President saying:
Who said she was beheaded? All it says in the article is she had a severe head injury and if you watched the video of her being paraded, you can clearly see she has a head injury most likely being shot in the head.
True, but the 3000 Palestinian children don't get a whole series of articles for each individual one. They're just a number, and apparently a meaningless one, given the ferocity of attacks by the Israeli government that has no limit when it comes to "retaliation".
The "500 people killed" thing isn't actually due to Hamas but Al Jazeera: Directly after the explosion, before the dust had settled, a Health Ministry spokesperson spoke about "500 casualties". In the context of "there are killed and wounded". And as it was so early, and it's a round number, obviously an estimate, and not an official number. Al Jazeera turned that into 500 killed in its English edition, and the whole fucking western media ran with it.
Now I dislike Hamas like I dislike any fascists but the Health Ministry is not just Hamas, plenty of Fatah and generally people from the PA in there, and their numbers have generally been pretty accurate (even if they don't distinguish between civilians and combatants, they simply count the dead). Possibly not as accurate in this case though as once Al Jazeera put that number out there it's probably hard to correct them down while Hamas' propaganda finger of the military arm is holding an AK to your head.
Actually we aren't sure about the rocket origin yet. Investigations are still ongoing, and some recent evidence, including more geolocated video that allowed to do a trajectory analysis through triangulation, and which tend to suggest it was launched from the Israel side. Hypothesis being it may have been a defective iron dome missile that went rogue and unfortunately dislocated and which explosive payload fell on the hospital parking.
Still, before accusing either side it would be best to wait for more proofs. Either way it is going to be considered as a major war crime, and no matter if it was intentional or not, someone has to pay for it.