Error 0x82d60002 informs players their devices will be blocked
Xbox's new policy — say goodbye to unofficial accessories from November thanks to error '0x82d60002'::Got error 0x82d60002 on your Xbox accessory? There's no fix, Xbox is going to block the use of detected unauthorized accessories with its consoles from November 12, 2023.
So goodbye custom-built accessibility controllers? Little Timmy, who was born with no arms and loves video games but has to play with his feet on a custom controller, is going to be told "Git good stumpy"?
Microsoft does make a special controller for people with disabilities. Still sucks for people with custom setups. The cheating in fps games is out of control though
On PC you can do whatever the hell you want with your hardware and people aren't asking to ban it to prevent cheating. This is such a dumb excuse. Build some good anti-cheat or stop complaining. This isn't the solution.
I get it, but whatever is being done in the PC ecosystem isn't really solving the problem either. The last bastion of cheating in the console space is 3rd party controllers. Banning them is going to be way more effective than any anti cheat software.
If I was using an unapproved controller I'd probably be pissed, but how big is that market outside of people cheating? Aren't most 3rd party controllers approved devices anyways?
The adaptive controller is designed to be custom-modded for different disabilities.
It's actually a really cool system they designed in partnership with AbleGamers. They even have a mod for quadriplegic gamers. And it's super affordable versus previous accessible interfaces.
Accessibility is one of the few places where Microsoft has been wholly good in recent years. Play any first-party Xbox game from the last few years, and you'll see that the first menu that opens up first time you play is accessibility settings.
In my opinion absolutely not but the gaming community tends to give a lot of leeway towards companies rolling out so called "anti-cheat" solutions, even if they are downright scary i.e. asking users to install always on rootkits, or in this case, anti-consumer by forcing people to buy first or second party controllers.
I've even heard people in other situations suggest that anti-cheat systems should have surveillance systems like the ones done on remote exams, which would be downright dystopian and would be a privacy and security nightmare, all for a fucking video game WTF?
They could and probably do (might even be the same anti-hacking system which bans from xbox live from the Xbox 360 days) they aren't doing this to combat cheating though, they're doing it because it'll make them more money. They might claim it's anti-cheat because the gaming community will drink up that response and respect their decision without questioning it.
Many people who do stand up against descisions like these are usually laughed at or accused of being cheaters, I bet people might even do it to me because I posted this.
I will say that this will likely be all but a setback for cheat devices who can spoof or pass-through an official controller, they will adapt, this change will only truly be successful at killing third party controller support.
Legacy official controllers don't have a TPM so even if new ones do, current ones don't and same goes for ones that spoof current official controllers.
At least assuming they're going to keep compatibility with current official Xbox controllers.