It clearly has nothing to do with the dairy lobby pushing hard everywhere to prevent people from switching to ecologically and humanely better alternative because they don't want to lose the fat subsidies they get from the government.
They try to push these legislations under the guise that it could induce the consumer in error, my ass.
Let's blame fun cartoons instead.
Let's not forget the cost with their lives the cows have to bear for us to get milk.
Forcefully impregnated, their babies taken away to be slaughtered as veal or to become milk cows. And all that for a fraction of their lifespan only to be slaughtered when their milk production starts to decline...
I appreciate the passion, my comment was still just a joke though.
That being said, I saw oat milk yesterday at the same price as cow milk. In other words, not even the financial incentive is left for me to buy cow milk.
because the candy corn grows quicker than almonds, it will instinctively push the almondlings out of the nest leaving them to starve, thereby culling the competition to its parasitic consumption of unknowing mother's milk