derpo How gorgeous! Where was this at?
6 0 Replyhumanbroadcast OP
This is Frederick Meijer Gardens, Grand Rapids MI :)
1 0 Reply
cornbread Is this at the Morikami Gardens in Delray Beach? Looks very similar.
5 0 Replyhumanbroadcast OP
Grand Rapids MI, actually! Frederick Meijer Gardens
2 0 Reply
SharkyPants Oh oh! Time for guess the location game! I'ma go for Denver Botanic Gardens. The backdrop and trees look familiar to me.
5 0 Replyhumanbroadcast OP
I'll take it as a compliment that Meijer Gardens in Michigan gets compared to a Denver location lol thank you
3 1 Reply
nilaus We need to know when this was taken, so we can really start guessing where this is.
2 0 Replyhumanbroadcast OP
Shot it last spring during the cherry blossom blooming (see above comments for location if you don't feel like guessing)
2 0 Reply
CFinley97 Love this! You should post in one of the Analog magazines too! We're building up content there
1 0 Replyhumanbroadcast OP
Does have an analog group yet?
1 0 Reply