Are you saying that all the Palestinians have to die to prevent a few Palestinians from committing crimes?
If the actions of a few can condemn an entire population... which seems to be the underlying argument here, then a few Israelis can commit crimes to condemn the entire country....
This is eye for an eye leaves the world blind territory. Collective punishments simply magnify overall violence, they don't stop it.
There is not a single war in the entire history of humankind were exclusively "the bad people" died.
So what you are actually saying is that specifically Israel is not allowed in partaking in war unless they somehow achieve what no one else ever achieved, which is a war without casualties.
With on top of it the added difficulty that Hamas is a terrorist group, so no "official" military targets.
Great, lets let the people who dont want to fight in this war leave.... ohh, that's right, they are all in prison and can't leave the "combat zone" which is... literally their prison.
The reason this conflict is very polarizing, is you have 1 million children/adolescents, 500k women, and 500k adult men locked in a box, no way out... They can't leave this conflict... they are trapped. If you were trapped in a room that was on fire, you would want to be let out....
It's not a war, it's a goddamn genocide. The Israeli government is making the same mistake the U.S. did in Iraq and as an American who protested the Iraq war as a kid, I watch what is happening and I shake my head in disappointment. 🤦
Civilians are innocent. Can the actions of a few condemn the whole group?
If your in a house, that is on fire, would you want to be rescued even if there was a arsonist with you?
Collective punishment is nasty unjust business. Where do you draw the line on the group your punishing? And if the innocents harmed in the collective punishment decide to collectively punish you right back... that is just fair - right?
Don't put words in my mouth, please. I don't have a "thirst for revenge" or am saying people in Gaza "need to die"!
It's you who wants Jewish civilians to just be murdered and kidnapped and Hamas get applauded for it. (Feels bad, right?)
In their enthusiastic zeal to defend Palestine people are incredibly apologetic towards Hamas and similar groups. And seem all to happy to forget the kind of politics Palestine puts on display. And that for several decades now.
I wish people would think more long-term and realistic instead of screaming at each other who is the bigger protector of the oppressed. It seems shallow to be honest, and not really in favour of a better situation.
Why is it so hard to agree that killing civilizations is bad and nobody should do it. Why does pointing out the Gazan civilians are dying have to be conditioned on anything else?