Senate Democrats are working with Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.) and a handful of Republicans on a rarely used procedural tactic to defeat Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s (R-Ala.) blockade of more than 360 …
Blocking promotions of critical military roles over an unrelated social issue. Really. Why are there so many examples of how today's Republicans would rather burn the country to the ground than concede anything to representatives for roughly the half of the population..
I think that there are a lot of Republicans right now who only care about not getting a primary challenger and it's a race to the "pure" right.
Tuberville beat incumbent Doug Jones with just over 60% of the vote. He isn't concerned about a Democrat beating him but a more extreme Republican could beat him in a primary.
Once upon a time, it seemed like being an advocate for their constituents and a competent administrator of the country as a whole got politicians reelected. Maybe I have rose-tinted history glasses tho..
The GOP platform is effectively to make sure nothing operates so that they can point at the government they constantly fuck up and say "look! Government doesn't work."
This has really gotta piss you off if you risked your life for this country just for some pissant turd senator to block your promotion. Nothing to do with you, no, it's for "reasons" fuck these dudes.
I was lucky enough to have an air force general come to a history of strategic thought class and she spent time in the Clinton administration. She definitely wasn't forthcoming about it but reading between the lines you could tell that there's a cultural difference between the brass and the politicians. I think some are probably disappointed and frustrated but they deal with politicians on a somewhat regular basis and expect politicians to showboat. Others are probably very conservative and completely agree with tuberville and his tactics.
I’m sure someone bribed her. Some arms dealer lobbyist was probably like, “If I can get these promotions passed, I’ll surely get that ground war in Asia I’ve been lobbying for.”
No Republican senator has yet expressed public support for the resolution, and those viewed as most likely to vote “yes” say they would prefer to resolve the impasse in another way.
That's because they'll get death threats if they appear to cooperate with Democrats in any way. Just like we saw in the House and winding up with Gaetz's choice of Mike Johnson for Speaker, Repub Senators are just as terrified to go against Mangolini's magats.
Right? Nancy Pelosi had a violent mob chant for her death as they broke into her place of work, and she basically rolled her eyes and kept doing her job.
These wannabe tough guy GOP pussies sure like to act tough, but slink away with their tails between their legs at the first impotent threat
Fear of being primaried is certainly strong enough to get them to go along with almost anything, but since the rise of the Manchurian Cantaloupe it really has gone far beyond that to fear of literal violence against them and their families. They are thoroughly intimidated and under the control of the extremists.
It still requires 60 votes there are 48 Democrats and 3 independents and 49 Republicans. 9 republicans have to go along. I think this is about optics, Republicans finally getting frustrated with tuberville, and the Israeli\Hamas conflict.
It hasn't. If there are 60 votes, they can do just about whatever they want. They really only need 51, but that would be rude and "nuclear" because of silly rules they made up for themselves.