LGBTQ Republicans say they feel misled by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) after the GOP presidential hopeful’s “war room” shared a bizarre video widely seen as inflammatory. The video bashed former P…
Any LGBTQ person marching to the goose step of the Nazis that is surprised the Nazis turn on them is repeating the same mistake Jewish kapos made in the concentration camps. "Surely the Germans will see my value, keeping the other Jews in line," says the Jewish kapo every day until he is burned up in the gas chamber—replaced by another kapo who thinks the same. Educate yourself on history so you don't end up doomed to repeat it.
the anti-LGBTQ agenda was pretty overt, what did they think they were getting? do they know who DeSantis is? I'm convinced these people either don't exist or are some of the dumbest people on the planet.
I give little to no shit about collaborators' feelings. They want to make things good for themselves and throw everyone else under the bus. Their politics have no place in our collective liberation
“I used to think he was a great governor,” Santos, the first non-incumbent gay Republican elected to Congress, said of DeSantis. “Now, I’m starting to think differently.”
The Hill quoting the NY Republican Senator and chronic liar George Santos takes the cake.
Off-topic, but wow, what a spaghetti bowl of adjectives that first sentence is. What does "first non -incumbent gay Republican elected" even mean as a string of qualifiers? I can just about parse it, but the phrasing makes it read as though all the incumbent gay Republicans before him were straight when they won their first elections, instead of just closeted.
"LGBTQ conservatives" is a descriptor for selfish, willfully ignorant people who are happy to burn their own community to the ground if it means they have a chance at being the bully that GOP ideals promise they can be
Assimilationism never fucking works. People who want people like you dead will never see you as "one of the good ones." You will never be anything more than a tool for them to wield against others
If you feel like you were mislead by DeSantis, then you weren't paying attention. He's been extremely explicit about his stances
AKA, "my tax rate is more important to me than the survival of myself and my immediate family."
And even then, 9 times out of 10, it's not even their tax rate that is being lowered (or if it is, marginally, it's set to sunset in a few years while the cuts for corporations and the uber wealthy are permanent).
Happens a lot. Just like for women or PoC, the idea is if you can fully integrate and be a loyal party member, you can reap the benefits as "one of the good ones." FD Signifier has a great video about black conservatives in US politics. Problem is, conservatives look for enemies inward once the exterior ones are eliminated.
Same thing happens in the Jewish community. My father is a Republican and believes that Republicans support Jews because "they support Israel." He doesn't see that the only reasons that Republicans support Israel are because:
The evangelicals want Israel to exist and be run by Jews so it can be attacked and Jesus can return.
So the right has a place to say Jews really belong (not in America).
They'll "support Israel" all day and night while actively pushing for a Christian Theocracy in America where Jews are (at best) second class citizens.
It’s so bleak because I can understand the survival instinct to cling to and adopt the opinions of the group that wants you dead in the hopes that they’ll spare you, or that you’ll be able to preserve your relationships. But people like this do almost more damage than the ones they’re doing the dirty work for. Especially the famous ones. Some of them have actively made a career our of lending credibility to bigotry. I can’t help but notice how none of them seem to have fully denounced the party or its positions, or gone back on any of their previous statements.
Have you heard of the Ash conformity experiments? About 75% of the test subjects gave incorrect answers knowingly, because the rest of the group disagreed. 3 people were enough to trigger such a response....
Nothing he has done should come as a surprise to anyone, and anyone who voted for him is going to have to live with the consequences or move. I can't understand how anyone could think he wasn't being totally honest about what his intentions were.
They seem to have believed he was just attempting to win over Trump supporters for the nomination; but trying to outdo someone who, to a large degree, sets the agenda for what their base supports and cares about seems blatantly fruitless and silly, to phrase it kindly.
(Now he’s failed to secure that support and alienated the people who liked him for not being Trump, lol. Poetic in a way.)