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Being a new developer and ADHD

Hi, as the title says I'm a new developer and some days ago I was diagnosed. My diagnose journey started because I'm unable to be consistent (That's not something new) and it is making me really depressed.

I just spend all day doing nothing and some day I just write most of what I have should written. Some days I force myself to code just to see all letters as blurry meaningless symbols and then I come back to square one where I procrastinate. Now I'm working from home, but when I go to office this gets 10 times worse.

I will be making an appointment to get medications soon, but does anyone have some additional ways to fight this?

EDIT: Thanks everyone that responded the call for help! To people that resonate with this post, please read these comments, all of them are really useful.

Update: All this post started because of a deadline i was having serious problems to reach.

If you are in the same spot as a new dev: What happened to me was that I was facing a really complex issue in which we lacked a lot of information and when I started to ask some key questions everything started to flow again, my main blocker was communication.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I should have focused on understanding rather than trying to solve.

  • I don't feel especially well poised to give advice here, because I'm still struggling with this, but maybe that's the point; increasingly, I think that my idea of what "coping well" means is false and unattainable, and that real progress involves a bit of self acceptance.

    On that front, my advice would be that living with ADHD means learning what battles are worth fighting, and only you can figure out.

    A friend of mine used to struggle with extended chunks of work of one kind, and she spent a long while trying to force herself to work with timers and stuff, but her actual productivity shot up when she gave herself a bunch of tasks to cycle between. She enjoyed breaking up work with household tasks like washing the pots, because it's simple, and has a defined end. Amusingly, sometimes she'd work at my place when we were students, and she'd tidy up for me and later say thank you for the opportunity.

    One of my issues was I kept expecting myself to remember stuff when my short term memory is trash, even by ADHD standards. I got better at training myself to write stuff down, including sometimes asking for a break in the conversation to give me a chance to write it down so I don't forget. That was awkward at first, but it got easier, and most people were understanding - most people seemed to respond positively in fact, because it shows that you care about what's being discussed (certainly more positive than if I'd forgotten and incorrectly given them the impression that I didn't care)

    I spent a long time trying out different apps and systems, because novelty seeking brain wanted a silver bullet to solve all the things. Sometimes I still fall into that trap, but nowadays I know that even the best todolist or calendar app in the world won't help if I don't use it. It's a me problem, and integration problem. Part of what helped me there was actually evaluating where my various systems kept going wrong. Like instead of calling myself lazy for not keeping things tidier, I made actual progress by buying a bunch of bins so that there's always one at hand. I stopped berating myself so much. Beating yourself up for not being able to do things is internalised ableism.

    Medication helps a lot, but I found that there were a bunch of maladaptive coping measures I'd built up over the years that I had to unlearn once I had medication. And then when I had a period without medication, I found myself struggling more than ever. It's a combo approach, is what I'm saying. Don't expect yourself to function at the same level as you would if you were medicated.

    What you describe reminds me a lot of

    about how untreated ADHD traps you on depression.

  • There's a lot of really good pieces of advice here, so I don't have a tone to add. But there's a few things that could help and possibly be prepared for.

    Be prepared for:

    • Maybe having to try different meds before you find the right one. There's stim and non-stim, and the individuals meds in each category can vary in their effects, so be sure to stick with it while finding the right one. It's definitely worth it.
    • Medication is amazing. It's a game-changer. But it also doesn't fix it. It helps with the dopamine and can help with energy and motivation, but a lot of the other issues are still there. I definitely still really struggle with switching tasks that require my brain to change states. That's why you have to still lean on the tools you develop outside of meds to make your day-to-day easier. Someone posted the How to ADHD Youtube channel. I love her channel and she offers a lot of advice for developing these tools.
    • Some days, even with medication, it's just not there. I'm on a stimulant, so when I'm short on sleep, it doesn't put me in peak performance that day. It gives me the energy to be normal, but I'm not high-functioning. And some days I sleep fine but I'm still not there and nothing gets done, and that's fine. It's okay to just have a day where the thing you do is recharge and do some self-care if you can afford the time.
    • If you end up on Adderall, be warned it is sometimes difficult to get. Don't tell your doctor this, but any time you have a day where you can skip a dose because nothing needs to be done, do it and save that pill. When you get new ones, rotate in the saved ones and put aside the same number of the new ones and try to have an emergency stock for the potential time when you have to wait for your meds. This only works for Stimulants and I do not recommend telling your doctor Non-stimulants require you to take it every day to work, but they're also less likely to be in a shortage. Stimulants just work when they're in your system, so skipping a dose won't lose you any progress. Plus, Stims aren't great for you long term and you'll need to take breaks to reset your tolerance, so skipping doses can prolong their efficacy.

    Things that could help:

    • I'm not a developer, but I am an artist (when I have time), I work full l time, and I'm in school. My meds are in a great place, but that doesn't mean there still aren't days I just can't get anything done. Yesterday I should have been working on a paper due this week, but I had a couple meetings and a doctor's appointment. When those were done, my brain just didn't have the remaining spoons to be creative enough to write a paper. But I was able to go over my research and make notes that will help make it easier when I do write it (Hopefully today).

    And that's my best advice. Breaking down every part of what needs to be done, like was also stated here. But also, categorize those into things you need a good brain day for and things that you can just type out, or do without having to engage your brain. Maybe you can't code, but can you make plans for what you need to code? Write it out and have a plan in place for when your brain kicks in. Then, when it's time to do it, there's less in your way and you can probably do more.

    • Also, lean into whatever your brain is willing to do at that time. I'm not always going to be in a space to really clean my house, so when I'm in that head-space, I go all out and clean like a motherfucker. If my brain ticks over and I'm in a writing space, I write all the things and get ahead on my work.
    • Also, in planning, I find it helps to use a highlighter to color-code them (I keep them written down in multiple places, and on a digital calendar). Pink for most important or urgent, yellow for standard urgency and blue for no real deadline, but I do need it done. And put due-dates next to all of them. On my daily or weekly to-do list I write them out in order of due-dates so I can just do the one closest to the top that fits how I'm able to work.

    Most importantly, I want to stress how important it is to find habits that work for you and keep it up after you get medicated. Most of the tools I use I developed over years of struggle before getting a diagnosis, and without them, even the meds wouldn't be enough.

    And that Youtube channel is genuinely great. She works hard to find the best information according to science and also recognizes that the same things don't work for everyone (unlike so many ADHD self-help stuff out there) so she doesn't offer THIS ONE TRICK TO FIX YOUR ADHD!!! She offers a variety of tools that have been shown to help so you can find the one(s) that help you.