Unfortunately his actor is also kinda ass. Idunno if trying to get a rapist a lighter sentence is worse than all the shit Chowder has done, but I'm fine with never seeing either of them again
I actually don't (well, didn't) mind advertising, to an extent.
I liked seeing what new products or services are out there, or deals I may have not known about otherwise; but advertisers have taken it so far that you can't have a reasonable amount anymore. You either block it all or get bombarded relentlessly.
I wouldn't even use an ad blocker if the ads weren't disrupting the content I'm actually here to see. YouTube for example was fine when it just had banner ads around the video player; as soon as they started forcing you to watch video ads to be able to watch the actual video you came there for is when it became a problem to me.
Gave em an inch and they took a mile. Now they get nothing.
There should be one specific place where advertisements are allowed and contained. If you need X, go to the X page on the one place for advertising and check out your options. No more shoving things people don't need down their throats. Make people seek out the things they need rather than be convinced they need what they don't.
I belive we have really strict gambling laws, one of the reasons we never got arcade halls here. Online casinos and such don't count though, it seems. It feels like half a dozen pop up each week.
I have personally seen gambling fuck up way more lives than drugs, and this was before it was being shoved down our throats. It's honestly disgusting how shameless the advertising has been, getting people to gamble like degenerates in "garbage time." Or poking fun at people "losing their shirt" in Buffalo. And don't even get me started at how they are using fantasy sports to get kids hooked early.
Fuck this so much. I know entire families - children, parents, grandparents - who've been put through hell over this.
Mississippi grind is an absolutely incredible depiction of just how sad and devastating gambling addictions are. I can't recommend that movie enough (as long as you're ready for some sad storytelling).
Livestream online gambling is another one of those absolutely abysmal modern exposures that is going to completely destroy the lives of young men as they grow up, and I can't believe it's still legal
The fantasy sports are all about evading local gambling laws. Since only a handful of states even allow sports betting the only way to operate in those states is to have something which is legally distinct from gambling (even though it clearly is). It's similar to pachinko parlours in Japan.
It doesn't matter if they choose to start, it matters that they weren't able to stop, gambling and alcohol have both been extremely normalized in our society and are destroying lives. We shouldn't have ads shoved down our throats for industries that profit off of destroying people's lives for a quick buck. Shit aint right. I'm not saying make the industries illegal, just make the ads illegal. Saying drink responsibly at the end of an alcohol ad isn't making anyone less of an alcoholic. And the tiny ass barely readable gambling addiction hotline isn't gonna help anyone with a gambling addiction from getting hooked on sports Gambling which is one click away on the app store.
Gambling, alcohol, nicotine, and prescription medicine should all be banned from advertising. Sponsorship should count as advertising and thus be banned too.
It used to be!
I left the US to work overseas from 97 to 2000, and when i came back everyone had heartburn and took "the little purple pill", the laws changed and prescription meds were now on every other commercial.
Every bloody third advert on TV in Australia is a gambling ad, it's insane that we continue to allow it given how much of an actual widespread problem it is here. They have fairly lame government mandated warnings after each one but I doubt they do much at all.
Same in the UK! When the pandemic started companies stopped advertising on TV because they weren't doing business anymore, except for the bookies (gambling brokers) so almost every ad was for them. And because people are on doors and probably bored/miserable I bet they did much more business than normal.
I don't think we have the warnings you're talking about here, except for sone text on the screen that says something like "gamble smart" lol
Yeah that’s the thing. I Support gambling being legal, but it, alcohol, marijuana, tobacco, etc shouldn’t be allowed to advertise. These are harmful vices. It’s your choice to engage in them but advertising them isn’t cool
I think they should be legal to do, but I'm a little more iffy on if it should be legal to sell or profit off of the addictive ones.
Gambling doesn't really bring anything valuable to society and it causes notable harm, so I see no reason we shouldn't tax gambling revenue at a nearly 100% rate.
100% its so cringe, im ok with the fantasy aspect of it, cause it does take some skill, but the odds are just straight up gambling no if ands or buts. I dont know how gamblers in recovery even watch sports anymore... so glad i got addicted to gambling on stocks with wallstreets bets and learned my expensive lesson so that sports can stay pure for me and not tainted by my addictive personality.
The fantasy games are just how they get kids hooked. It's very obvious to me as someone who has always kind of felt like fantasy takes some purity out of the fandom, that this has been a long term plan to normalize this kind of "skill" game so they can create exactly that pipeline.
But I mean, its probably just a crazy conspiracy theory that the NFL already had branded endorsement deals ready to go with a dozen different gambling houses immediately when the Supreme Court cleared the way for all this shit.
In Lithuania it's legal, but they cannot say any words like "let's play" or "best casinos" etc. I don't know specific, but most of casino/betting ads are like these (always with the weird/annoying voice)
oh my god it annoys the fuck out of me. Since 2019 gambling companies and casinos can only show and say their name so ads went from This to This
These ads are everywhere, i never gambled, but for someone who might be recovering from the addiction would be very hard to resist when constantly shoving these stupid ads everywhere.
It’s been about ten years since sports betting advertising has been permitted on TV in most Australian states. It has pervaded everything and made betting a normalised part of sport.
Most people hate it and want it gone, but clubs and networks are drunk off the money it provides so governments have been slow to move.
Please if your country doesn’t allow sports betting ads yet, put up a fight to stop it.
I agree. Here in Sweden we've had a huge surge in online casino ads on TV for the last 5 years. Maybe even more. Super annoying. Everyone hates them. But not much is done despite that.
In Finland gambling/slot machines/betting is monopoly from state and it is not allowed to be advertised. It is age controlled and all the money from the gambling go to charity/tax, and gambling addiction control.
I do like that system, even if it sometimes feels bit controlling people from theirself.
If we ban betting on sports, they’ll just move betting to some other random indeterminate outcome. Like…which industries and markets are going to perform better than others month by month.
I mean I think it should be legal. But also my main issue with legalizing cocaine is with the human suffering involved in its production. But we need to have no illusion here, gambling is an extremely addictive behavior with high destructive potential.
It is an unbelievably massive, multi-billion dollar industry that is rapidly growing in the US right now. A number of states have relaxed their laws about online gambling and sports books, we are going to see a whole new generation of addicts. Every single fraternity at American universities has a point person at this stage. Many did prior they just did it on the sly.
Caesars Sportsbook just bought the sponsorship for the NFL stadium out from Mercedes in my city. You cannot go a quarter-mile without seeing a billboard about it. YouTube is flooded with it if it detects I’m in my home state. It’s relentless now. And if it’s not Caesar’s palace bombing me with ads, it’s draft kings.
Gambling on sports is one of the oldest types of gambling.
And, look. If you have the cash to spare, and gambling isnt a vice for you, it is kinda fun. Thats kinda the problem, its easy for the average person to get into it with some friends as a way to have more fun watching the game only for that to be the first domino.
Fantasy football is literally a 20 year plan to create a childhood gambling pipeline, which they finally pulled off with the recent rounds of regulatory capture.
Good to see people agree on this. The way that gambling in sports has flourished really targets and is detrimental to young men, IMO. I've noticed that younger men tend to feel it's normal to risk a significant amount of money gambling on almost all sports, to include E-sports, when really it shouldn't be something they think about constantly.
I like gambling as much as the next person, and I feel like you should be allowed to if you're responsible, but I think we shouldn't be glorifying gambling like it's just something everyone does. Shame on all these celebrities using their status to trick younger people into gambling.
It's honestly insane. I have been watching sports with the same group of people for almost 30 years now, and the past few years it's gotten fucking insufferable. These people genuinely believe that they've got a system going, doing bet arbitrage against their six different apps and seventeen different accounts. They don't even watch the fucking game. They are just watching phones and laptops. I hate it.
So what ends up is that I'm watching our team win, and happy about it, but half the room is punching holes in the wall because thirteen different stats across six different games didn't magically align to give them a 100:1 payout. Two of the original group have literally taken on major debt to fund their addiction and still think it's perfectly fine to keep betting.
It goes beyond tax money, but that's a part of it for sure. Gambling in the USA at least helps prop up the 'American Dream' by keeping the under privileged poor and in-debt. Because at any minute they could become mega rich! Except they won't especially as the addiction will tell them to double down and make them lose it all.
The worst are podcast ads. It's like 30% "you can win $100 on a $10 bet with promo code xyz" and 70% disclaimers and gambling addiction hotline numbers.
I think he would call you a dumbass for getting into gambling, but would view someone running the business as just a businessman. He may be wary of the gang associating with him but I don't think he'd view him as a bad dude
They legalized online gambling and ads for it a couple of years ago in the Netherlands. It's already causing problems with addiction. I personally think all ads for gambling and alcoholic beverages should be banned.
Not sure you should even be allowed to advertise legal things except in very specific cases. It's an incredibly toxic industry that is doing a shitload of the heavy lifting of corporations destroying the world..
For the same reason tobacco ads are illegal, yet you can still buy cigarettes. Prohibition doesnt work, thats why we have rules and regulations. Advertising something that is highly addictive should be highly regulated.
I mean, everything that’s better than your average real life can be addictive. Should games not be advertised because some people are addicted? Should phones not be advertised because they have negative implications for your health?
I’m not particularly in favor of gambling ads, but where exactly would you draw the line?