We had 40 years to fix things 60 years ago. It's too late by every scientific measure. The best we can do now is stockpile and hope to last. The Earth will move on without us. As it did before us.
We're already in the middle of a mass extinction. We can only hope that we won't be one of the species lost.
I say this knowing I'll be one of the first to die...
Climate awareness and this kind of depression posting are two different things. This post only serves to make people upset, but provides no useful information.
Yeah, shit sucks. Thanks for reminding me I guess.
I would like to see a situation where that has actually worked. But my earlier point that this post doesn’t add anything to the discussion or lead you to a place where you can learn more or give advice on what you can do makes useless. it just fear mongering and depression baiting.
You realize that corporations are smoothly pivoting from promoting climate denial to promoting climate despair, right? They want you to think that it's hopeless and that there's no point in trying, but we actually still have a chance to prevent the worst climate change outcomes. Please stop spreading this shit.
The problem is that at any point we could have dealt with it, but greed seems to be preventing that to the point that we may need a miracle tech breakthrough that is so great, that fixing this issue would be trivial.
True, but on the upside VR is maturing and hopefully will allow for near complete escapism for long periods of time. Also, some of us didn’t have kids so I guess that’s kind of cool.