In fealty to US foreign policy, Mexico has long refused to recognize Palestinian statehood. Last week, that finally changed, with AMLO’s government officially acknowledging Palestinian statehood and establishing a full embassy in Mexico City.
In fealty to US foreign policy, Mexico has long refused to recognize Palestinian statehood. Last week, that finally changed, with AMLO’s government officially acknowledging Palestinian statehood and establishing a full embassy in Mexico City.
On June 2, the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates announced that, as of the first of the month, it had reclassified its diplomatic mission in Mexico from special delegation to embassy. The ministry “expresses its firm conviction that this measure will contribute significantly to the . . . strengthening of relations between Mexico and the State of Palestine, on the basis of respect and mutual recognition, in benefit of our two peoples as well as international security and development,” it affirmed in a statement.
Some of the comments were going too far down the flamewar route, but a bunch of comments that were neutral were also deleted. I wish we could get a reason from the mods on this.
By the looks of things, one or more mods decided to delete all comments in the thread. I don't think that's something that should never be done, but it should require enough transparency to disclosing the reasons.
What do you mean anti-semitism? Some comments were talking about both current crimes of the Israeli state against Palestinians and the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians that was committed at the birth of Israel as a contemporary state, and other comments were defending Israel. You can still see them in the moderation log. When you claim that denouncing ethnic cleasing is anti-semitism you're spitting on the victims of the Holocaust.
Being against violent, racist, and fascist israeli action is not anti-semitic. When a white christian stands up and says they want a pure christian nation we all talk about how absurd it is. But when someone jewish says the same thing anyone who questions that obviously flawed statement is suddenly an antisemite. I get it Israel has a long and violent history and much of that was perpetrated by their neighbors that does not in any way excuse their behaviour.
Stumbled across that post and went to the mod log and saw everyone banned for 338 years and all of the mod logs show the comments as edited instead of deleted. Kind of stinks of mod abuse. But there is no way to tell because the comments weren't delete they were modified which completely defeats the purpose of the mod log.